How to Escape Deja Vu Disasters

Do you keep making the same mistakes?

Elaine Hilides
E³ — Entertain Enlighten Empower


Man asleep with beer bottle on a pillow and phone in hand
Unsplash+ In collaboration with Getty Images

I slowly eased my eyes open. But even through the smallest slit, I could see that I was dressed. In last night’s clothes.

I’d done it again.

You know what it’s like when you do the thing. You know, the thing that you said you were never going to do again.

I’m glad to say that I don’t do this thing anymore. No more wild drunken nights out for me, but can I say, hand on heart, that I learned my lesson or just grew up? Or got too old to keep making the same mistake?

The mistake could be eating too many slices of cake, one more glass of wine, or getting anxious and upset about something you can’t change.

Whatever it is, yes, you’ve done it again.

Why do you do it again?

Do you innocently set yourself up for making the same mistake without realising it?

Think about the times you declare to the world that you’ll ‘never again’ eat junk food or drink too much without realising that this big statement is usually said straight after doing the thing.

It’s a reaction rather than a decision.

A reaction is nothing but information about what is going on in your head. It’s…



Elaine Hilides
E³ — Entertain Enlighten Empower

I can help you go from anxious to peaceful. Wellbeing coach for over a decade. Author, and International speaker, lives by the sea.