How to Nail Adulting With Breakfast Ice-Cream

Adulting is often treated with disdain. Here’s how to shift your mindset and make the most of it

Kelly Benson
E³ — Entertain Enlighten Empower


Pink neon sign saying ‘Ice-cream solves everything’
Photo by Brendan Church on Unsplash

I was judged for a simple bowl of ice cream.

I sat on the 9 am Zoom call, shovelling my breakfast in, when someone asked what I eating.

‘Choc fudge brownie ice cream.’

I’m glad we had cameras on so I could witness the horror and shock.

‘Ice cream for breakfast!’ one guy said, ‘That’s so childish!’

‘Don’t be silly,’ I replied, licking my spoon, ‘Children aren’t allowed to eat ice cream for breakfast. I can because I’m an adult and do what I like!’

The team seemed confused — adulting is working full-time, paying bills, being responsible.

I asked chatGPT to describe adulting because it was too boring to think about.

Adulting is the intricate art of navigating the complexities of modern life, from managing finances and relationships to tackling household chores and professional responsibilities.

Adulting requires adaptability and resilience in the face of challenges, whether they be career setbacks, personal struggles, or unexpected curveballs life throws your way.



Kelly Benson
E³ — Entertain Enlighten Empower

25y as a software developer | 6 continents traveller | wannabe writer | Women & shares meetup host | 15+ years as a beginner runner