How to Write Better Articles With E³ Blog Buddies

It’s a simple idea but it can make a magical difference

Malky McEwan
E³ — Entertain Enlighten Empower


Photo by Nick Morrison on Unsplash

I can’t wait to publish this story.

The idea behind it has been bubbling in my head for weeks and I think I’m onto something.

I’m like a greyhound in the traps — just open the gate will ya!

That little devil on my shoulder is shouting in my ear. “Publish. Publish. Do it. Publish now.”

Experience tells me wait, don’t publish.

Do not publish an article until you have been through your checklist. Everybody has a checklist, don’t they?

Here’s my checklist —

1. Have you got a strong title?

You can please some readers all of the time, you can please all readers some of the time, but you can’t please all of the readers all of the time.

Without a strong title, readers aren’t enticed. It’s impossible to please a non-reader at any time.

2. Does your subtitle back up the title?

The title and the subtitle are the copywriting. They are there to attract readers to your article.

