I Forgot My Phone…

And had a great time anyway

PR King
E³ — Entertain Enlighten Empower
3 min readMar 12, 2024


bird of paradise plant
Photo by Thimo van Leeuwen on Unsplash

My husband and I were out for an afternoon drive and several miles from home disaster struck. My Apple watch alerted me I’d left my phone at home. Why hadn’t the damn watch reminded me sooner? What could I do? I couldn’t ask him to turn back, could I? No, I could not. Would not.

Brave soldier that I am, I accepted I’d have to do without my phone. The question was, could I do it? Well, seriously I had no choice. I am an avid Googler and like to look random facts up just for the hell of it. But without my phone, it was like going back to the pre-Google days when you had to wait until you could go to the library or check the already-out-of-date encyclopedia to look something up. What did people do without Google?

Oh, wait. I realized I’d lived most of my life without Google, which didn’t become a “thing” until 1998. I had been around a lo-n-n-ng time, by 1998.

I stared out the car window as we crossed a bridge pondering my dilemma. The sun sparkled on the water. A few small boats buzzed across the bay leaving white ruffles in their wake. Seagulls swooped and dove.

Soon after the bridge, we came to a divided road. I noticed a huge planter filled with birds of paradise plants. The plants, with their bright orange petals and lush dark green leaves, are lovely and exotic…



PR King
E³ — Entertain Enlighten Empower

Florida stories, history fan, avid reader, geeky Boomer, Sagittarian with a Capricorn moon, Chromebook convert, military brat, sober 30+