It’s Crazy How Tiny an Amount of Vitamins You Need to Make a Big Difference

How much do you really need to spend on supplements in your lifetime?

Malky McEwan
E³ — Entertain Enlighten Empower


Vitamin pills shaped into a question mark.

I’ve had an incontestable cough and a conk full of catarrh for the last three weeks. I’m a danger to society. The tickle in my chest causes a hack so loud it frightens children in the next town and if any of that mucus I emit were to end up on a roadway, it would be a slip hazard for a juggernaut.

My self-pity has induced undercover research into remedies and cures with a determination not seen since Rocky got knocked down for the third time and still got back up to beat Apollo Creed.

Is the popular belief that vitamin C cures a cold true?

While daily vitamin C is a popular cold remedy, it won’t stop most people from getting colds. It only slightly reduces the duration of their sniffles. Once you’re sick, vitamin C is as useless as diet cola is for losing weight.

This was just as I suspected. What I didn’t expect to find, and was surprised to learn, is that scurvy is back.

According to The Guardian, the UK is in danger of “going back to the Victorian era.” In 2022, 188 people were treated for scurvy in England.



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