Satire Is So Easy To Miss on Medium

I do not blame anyone

A screenshot of my recent satirical post about “Camila” Harris. The shot shows a complimentary comment as well as a bitter “what knob end wrote this? Kind funny. But it’s 2 minutes of my life I am not going to get back and does not seem to have any real purpose.”
Screenshot by author

When I first published ‘I Have Decided I Cannot Vote For Camila’, I only included a Kicker saying “Satire” and no matching topic tag. Early readers did not notice the Kicker and chided me for not labeling my post. I quickly added both a “Satire” topic tag and a disclaimer to make my intent more clear.

That wasn’t entirely successful either. While most people caught on quickly, some did not.

I don’t blame anyone for missing the satire. Medium readers tend to skim — there is so much good writing here and we don’t want to miss any! I can’t fault anyone for that when I do the same thing!

But skimming satire can easily mean missing the snark. This is especially true when MAGA racists and sycophants have said very similar things and meant them.

One of those Trumpers seemed to think I was serious right up until I called Trump an orange turd. That ticked him off a bit. There were a few others of the MAGA stripe; I blocked all of them because I don’t want my commie liberal socialist atheist ignorance to upset them more.

There were people who are not Trumpers but disliked my post. Some thought it was too close to things MAGites might say. Another felt that humor has…



Anthony (Tony/Pcunix) Lawrence 👀
E³ — Entertain Enlighten Empower

Retired Unix Consultant. I write tech and humor mostly but sometimes other things. See my Lists if your interests are specific.