That’s All She Wrote Folks!!


E³ — Entertain Enlighten Empower


Later alligator. Photo by Junseong Lee on Unsplash

I was going to just quietly slip away. But that would have been wrong. But this is a bit self-indulgent. And maybe that is wrong too.

Who knows.

But this is my last piece for the foreseeable future. I joined in April 2020. So this seems like the right time to leave.

I shall retain my membership and continue to read those I follow and a few more. But I am done with this form of writing.

I love Medium and will continue to sing its praise. I love the community I have and will continue to follow them as best I can. I will still pop up in the comments. And I still love writing.

People will ask why? People who knew I was planning this, have, in fact, asked why. And the simple truth is:

It just feels right. It is time.

I have never been a rule follower. Or disciplined. And what I know is, I do not have the strength of character to focus on Medium and other writing options simultaneously. I cannot read two books at the same time. I find that distracting.

One of the things that is often noted as a plus for Medium, is instant feedback. I have made the point myself. But on careful further introspection, I now question its positivity, FOR ME! It’s like a drug.



E³ — Entertain Enlighten Empower

Brand Nerd. Waiting for the fat lady to sing ! Dyslexic - is it there or their. Passionate about making time to just think!! Sadly thinking hasn’t helped much.