The Five Types of Writers and the Mistakes They Make
Only the first three create an emotional minefield
Editing is a responsibility I take soberly, in earnest, and with no little peril.
I’ve been there. I’ve submitted articles. I’ve had them torn to shreds, crumpled into balls of kindle and set on fire — it’s what they deserved.
But I kept at it. I went days, weeks, then months with nobody reading my articles and not a penny to show for it. My writing improved, and I got some traction. People said they enjoyed reading my work. I made some people smile, others laughed and some of my ideas pulsed in other’s heads.
Last year, I created my publication E3 — Entertain Enlighten Empower.
It’s been a whole new rocket-to-the-moon education. I try to do my best for all our writers. Sometimes it’s an emotional minefield. How do I help all E3 writers post their best work without upsetting their sensibilities?
The following are some of the crunchers, conundrums and quandaries I grapple with.
In which pigeonhole would you put yourself?