This Is Why I’m Back in Beautiful Italy

Suckered by discount flights but I got to meet a fellow writer (and he’s famous)

Malky McEwan
E³ — Entertain Enlighten Empower


The wing of a plane flying over Italy.
Flying over Italy — Author Image

“I’ve found flights to Milan for £30, shall I book them?” Mrs McEwan shouted from her iPad in the kitchen.

“Each way?”

“No, return.”

“Just book them then,” I called back fearing the price would rocket if we didn’t grab them.

Three weeks later, I’m crushed against a window on an Airbus WTF320 struggling to turn the pages of my book because the seat in front has reclined so far that I can roughly tell how many lice the occupant has per square inch of hair.

Behind me, a dad screams, “Stop screaming!” at his screaming kid.

I can’t get out of my seat to join the queue for the toilets because of the queue to the toilets.

To my right a man wearing a green and white football top farts and burps at the same time. His fellow travellers burst into raucous laughter before the smell hits them and they start choking.

I start choking.

“At least we only paid £30,” I whisper to Mrs McEwan.

“It was more like £300 by the time I added on the luggage.”



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