Toilet Training for a Senior Citizen

It wasn’t so hard the first time

Photo of a toilet with seat up
Photo by Giorgio Trovato on Unsplash

I have an enlarged prostate. It’s not the scary big C kind, just the effing annoying BPH kind. Some nights it was yanking me out of bed every hour and a half to lurch to the toilet.

I asked my doctor; he offered pills. I don’t like pills, so I opted for kegels and toilet training. Lots and lots of kegels mixed with trying to get my annoyed bladder to get better at staying full longer than it wants to. A fun challenge!

I like to get the deets, as the kids say. Or do they? Deets might be so last year, right? Whatever — I like to know the mechanics and the biology, or at least as much as I can understand. So I asked my pal ChatGPT.

None of what follows is medical advice. If you are having any kind of bladder issues, see a doctor. I did, and in addition to BPH, they found a spot of bladder cancer. My father died of cancer because he ignored symptoms for too long.

According to ChatGPT, there are two muscles involved in bladder control. I don’t know where CGT got its medical training, but it says my bladder has a detrusor muscle that relaxes as my bladder needs more room for urine. The pelvic floor muscles support the bladder and the prostate and keep the exit doors closed. When…



Anthony (Tony/Pcunix) Lawrence 👀
E³ — Entertain Enlighten Empower

Retired Unix Consultant. I write tech and humor mostly but sometimes other things. See my Lists if your interests are specific.