Why Laughing Today Makes Tomorrow Brighter

If you’re going to laugh one day, why wait?

Elaine Hilides
E³ — Entertain Enlighten Empower


Woman laughing with joy
Unsplash+ In collaboration with Natalia Blauth

Jenny stirred her coffee and groaned, ‘One day, I’ll laugh about this.’

She’d just told me how she’d sent her boss a WhatsApp message. A message she’d meant to send to her friend complaining about her boss.

When I worked at the same university where I studied for my MA, I used to meet my friend Joanne Clark for a lunchtime glass of wine on Monday. One Monday morning, I emailed her asking if she ‘fancied a quickie at lunchtime.’ But I sent it to my tutor, John Clarke.

I decided to laugh about it one day.

If you think there is a funny side to a situation that you can laugh at one day, but right now, you’re stuck in a less-than-amused feeling, why wait?

Why would you defer feeling better if you knew that the possibility existed?

Lots of people defer happiness. The ‘I’ll be happy when’ syndrome. You think you’ll be happy when you get the relationship, the car or the big house.

Or you’re too busy working on a project to feel happy now but know that you’ll be happy when the project is finished.

But today, you’re feeling too awful to laugh.

It’s too Awful Now



Elaine Hilides
E³ — Entertain Enlighten Empower

I can help you go from anxious to peaceful. Wellbeing coach for over a decade. Author, and International speaker, lives by the sea. elainehilides.com