5 simple steps to better communication in your company

Michelle Rioja | The Square
The Square
3 min readMar 28, 2022


It’s totally normal for a company to make a massive effort to keep its customers happy, but what about its employees? They may forget that the employee is also the true image of the brand, both inside and outside the workplace. That’s why it’s important for organizations to promote good internal communication as part of a system which allows their employees to develop both personally and professionally.

Internal communication has been one of the areas most affected by the rise of working from home, causing some employees to feel “forgotten” and making it more difficult to create that real team feeling you get from the office. Creating a culture of clear communication can be part of the solution to face this challenge.

So, here are 5 very simple steps to help promote good internal communication in your team, no matter where your colleagues are working.

Listen and understand each other

Listening is not the same as hearing. Pay attention to your colleagues’ needs and take their comments into account. For managers, it is important to follow up with staff so that they feel at ease, either with monthly or quarterly feedback sessions where staff have the opportunity to express themselves freely. If staff members feel listened to they will feel more involved in the company, and their confidence to communicate their ideas will increase.

Promote participation

It is very important to encourage team members to participate and one way to do this is to assign “tasks” which allow them to stay in active communication with the rest of the team. If you have the chance, you could put a person in charge of their colleagues’ birthday or create a group activity on Friday afternoons, such as a quiz or a team lunch. Another great way to involve people is to have them buddy-up with new starters and act as mentors. In this way, they will feel part of the development of the group.

Transparency over everything

It is important to be honest with the team and be as clear, concise, and direct as possible. The messages we give to each other have to inform and carry purpose. Transparency in internal communication makes processes more fluid and agile, in addition to generating a sense of trust among all members of the team.

Continuous development

The world is constantly changing, so it is vital that the team is kept up to date on new technologies or trends related to the company. Be it through webinars, attending events or earning a certification, continuous development will keep people motivated and ensure they continue to grow professionally.

Show recognition

As the famous mantra goes: praise in public, correct in private. Making employees’ achievements known is much more important than it seems — providing high value for a low cost. Acknowledging a colleague will make their day, and help to keep them happy, motivated and up for the next challenge. Congratulating or thanking them sincerely is very simple, and can be done with a note, an email, a monthly newsletter or even in a meeting. This will bring your team closer together and make them feel valued at work.

Never forget that employees are the most loyal ambassadors of the organization. So, if you have a startup or simply want to implement new communication strategies in your team, these steps will help you get there.

