At last, 2020

The Square
The Square
Published in
2 min readJan 24, 2020

At last, 2020. 2019 was something. Our team made such great progresses, not only in terms of size and age (we celebrated The Square’s 2nd birthday, and we are now a team of 13), but also in terms of specialization and immersion onto the business of our different clients. Don’t take us wrong, we don’t intend to do a boring wrap-up of 2019 — you’ve probably had more than enough of that. But we can’t help it but share some numbers of the impact we were able to achieve on our clients’ activity. Do stick with us, you’ll probably be surprised.

Overall, in the universe of 24 accounts we worked most intensively throughout last year (although we actually worked with 47 clients), our work originated 3.706 references in TV, radio, press and digital media outlets. On the other hand, we were able to deliver a return on investiment of 11.8 million euros*. Moreover, our clients’ messages had 207 million opportunities to be seen*. Can you believe that? One month into 2020 and we’re still stunned.

2019 aside, the team is ready for an equally awesome 2020. Ready and committed to explore new ways of getting our clients on the news, and to ensure that 100% of our clients continue to actively recommend our work — the same way they did so far.

And to ensure that, we must keep up with the trends in our fields of expertise. We know, you’re also tired of the 2020 trends, but ear us out, we’re keeping it simple and useful.

Throughout this first series of articles, we will cover:

- Five important Public Relation topics that will gain traction in 2020

- The trends that will define how content marketing will roll out in 2020

Later in the year, we will also want to cover our other areas of expertise and specific trends in Disruptive Economy and Startup Communication. We will keep you posted on these. Let us know if you’d like to see any other specific topic covered and we’ll consider it for our backlog.

On top, we will want to have more suggestions from you and eventually edit our texts accordingly, so that they can become ever more useful — so please do send us comments, we are always eager to learn more!

Our Square has a lot to offer in 2020 and the team is looking forward to working, meeting new people and reinforcing relationships. Hope you stick around us during 2020. And since we’re only sending you a newsletter once every quarter, make sure you follow our Instagram, Facebook, LinkedIn and Medium for daily updates.

* The Square estimate based on external audits by independent entities for 1/3 of the clients of The Square.



The Square
The Square

The communications office for market challengers, disrupters and brave entrepreneurs.