How to communicate with Generation Z… by a Centennial

Sara Silva | The Square
The Square


Communication can be an art, and like any art, it requires time, practice, and knowledge of the right technique to do it effectively with the audience you want to reach, which with Generation Z, or centennials, has an even greater weight. We are impatient, want everything on the spot, and believe that with the strength of each one of us we can make the world a better place, always based on truth. And “truth” is the keyword when communicating with this generation, which sees itself as a generation of causes and is willing to defend them like no one else.

If digital was introduced gradually in previous generations, Generation Z is one of the digital natives who never experienced life before the Internet. We dominate several online platforms and social media, and we are attentive to everything new, including the updates of brands, which online are spread in seconds, either positively or negatively. Thus, communication with centennials must be thought in detail, through a strategy that meets what we believe in, that is transparent and that is spread by the channels where we are.

Three fundamental characteristics of our generation:

  1. We don’t just defend causes; we defend causes we believe in. There are countless studies related to the causes that drive centennials. To communicate effectively, brands must first do an internal analysis, find their purpose, and then defend it through actions supporting it.
  2. Authenticity is important. By being attentive to the smallest details, everything can impact this generation, either positively or negatively. When communicating with Generation Z, communication must be truthful and non-standard, with messages reflecting what brands truly believe in and thought out in detail.
  3. It is necessary to speak the same language. It is important to know how to communicate with centennials clearly, using the same words we use without sounding overdone, being present in the places where we are, knowing the platforms we prefer, and appearing organically without abruptly disturbing our consumption habits.

As a member of Generation Z, I believe that there is room for brands to communicate with us, taking advantage of the new things we bring to the discussion, the opportunities, advantages, and challenges, to create a true strategy that meets what both sides believe in, and of course, that can impact other audiences as well.

