The go-to guide to succeed at Influencer Marketing

Mariana Plácido | The Square
The Square


Nowadays, brands need to keep in mind that social media is a must. When used right, digital platforms have the power to boost your business, because they give you the chance to reach your target in a way that, before this digital world we now live in, just wasn’t possible — especially if Influencer Marketing is part of your strategy.

In this post, we will see what is, in fact, Influencer Marketing, how it can help you, and, lastly, you will learn some key points to master this topic.

Curious? Let’s see.

What is Influencer Marketing?

Dogs, cats, and the sunset. This is the content that, not so long ago, we were used to seeing on Facebook. But things have changed. Have you ever noticed that now, when scrolling through Instagram, you always see someone (or a lot of people, if you may) posing with just the right amount of light and in a perfectly arranged scenario? Normally, they are influencers, and, quite often, they are collaborating with a brand and showing a product or service.

So, in other words, Influencer Marketing is when someone who has the power to reach a certain target, because of their social media followers’ profile’s, teams up with a brand in order to boost them up.

Influencers don’t need to be known by everyone to influence. They just need to be followed by the right people. Someone who has 10k followers can lead someone on buying something or do a specific thing just as someone who has 200k.

Be aware that this type of strategy, that’s part of digital marketing, needs to be handled with care. Influencers spend time on building their own brand and content, meaning they aren’t just going to say nice things about you because you are offering them money. If you want to know what you must do to approach them, keep reading!

How can Influencer Marketing lift your business?

Influencer Marketing brings you a ton of benefits when used right. This strategy lets you, overall, reach a bigger audience — the one that makes sense to you -, create brand awareness and trust and even grow your sales.

If someone you idol up tells you all about a new product or service, you’re likely to try it, because you trust that person. The same happens with your customers. Keep this in mind, choose the right influencer according to your goals, and see your business thrive!

4 key points to keep in mind

Now that you know the basics about Influencer Marketing, it’s time to learn some tips about this topic.

Before you start to work with influencers, you must choose the one, or ones, that make the best fit with your strategy and business. Always remember to set down your goals, select the best channel, define the aim of your campaign, and stipulate your budget, before reaching them.

1. Think about your brand

The first step on influencer marketing does not actually involve influencers. Before jumping on this strategy, consider what sector you are working on. A fashion company it’s not the same as a health company. Some fields work better with influencers than others, so always try to manage your expectations.

2. Don’t reject influencers with fewer followers

Micro-influencers are a trend, nowadays, because people prefer influencers who are true and consistent. If a big influencer, someone who has a lot of followers, it’s neither of those things, then it’s very difficult for them to reach anyone. Find someone who is heard by your audience.

3. Trust the influencers

Influencer Marketing it’s all about trust, as you can see. And to build trust, you need to find someone that’s authentic and already has a well-established base of followers. Keep in mind that each influencer has his own way to reach their audience. If you try to control what they do, you might not get the results you want.

4. Track your metrics

All strategies need to be measured, so that we can learn from them, not only when it’s done successfully, but also when it’s not. You can use platforms, like Google Analytics, to see what can be improved. Also, don’t be afraid to make changes. The goal is to always lift up your business!

Influencer Marketing is here to stay. It can create brand awareness, drive sales and, overall, really help you. Make sure to explore all options available, choose the right ones, and see your business “boom”.

