The Path to Modern Communication

Rosa Madero
The Square
Published in
2 min readSep 19, 2023

The evolving consumer habits embraced by society have brought about a revolution in communication formats, demanding the consideration of innovative communication methods that respond to current user demands. In today’s world, there is a vast array of options when it comes to choosing what and how we want to consume information. Therefore, in order to communicate effectively, it is essential for us to differentiate ourselves from others by adopting an appealing and valuable model.

Numerous communication companies, including media outlets and agencies, are already adapting to these new communication modes, leading to the emergence of ambitious projects aimed at making a significant impact. This revolution extends beyond the realm of business and permeates other sectors too, resulting in a marked transformation across all areas.

The pandemic played a major role in this revolution, with social networks assuming a significant and enduring role. The short video format prevalent on platforms like Instagram and TikTok has become one of the most widely consumed formats in society. This recent format has been incorpoated into all communication domains, representing a new way of presenting information where entertainment takes precedence.

Another format that has revolutionized all sectors is the podcast, offering a fresh approach to storytelling that continues to thrive. Just when it was thought that radio was on a downward trajectory with no brakes, an evolution emerged that defied all expectaions. Countless communication specialists now have the opportunity to create innovative and enduring content. The podcasting world encompasses numerous industries, so that, not only in the world of communication, but also historians, entrepreneurs, and professionals from various sectors to freely share techniques, experiences, and all kinds of content related to their respective fields.

One of the most striking statistics highlighting this change is how companies have begun to invest their advertising in these new formats, leaving behind advertising investment in television. Specifically, according to InfoAdex, in 2020, 38.6% of the funds invested in conventional media were allocated to digital communication. This shows that the paradigm is changing and that users are consuming information in ways different from what we were accustomed to.

In conclusion, it is crucial to continue researching and discovering the interests of new generations in order to offer users the most suitable formats for their needs. Additionally, it is vital to provide companies with the right platforms for effective communication. Above all, embracing new technologies is key to implementing new formats that enhance visibility and enable society to stay informed about current events in a disruptive and innovative way. In the realm of communication, we have a mission and the time to act is now.

