What does your outfit communicate?

Catarina Viegas Pontes
The Square


The idea that we communicate only through spoken words is an outdated premise. Nowadays, we are all aware that we communicate far beyond what we say and, according to Dr. Albert Mehrabian, spoken communication represents only 7% of communication, with non-verbal communication representing the remaining 93%. So, we can say that we are continually understood not only by what we say in words but also by how we say it and even by how we look when we say it.

So, let’s look at what even our clothes can communicate …

Clothing, although it is often overlooked , is a fundamental element in non-verbal communication. The way we dress is part of the personal expression of each person and can reveal, among other things, personality traits, state of mind, attitude, consumer habits, and, more obviously, cultural traits. Clothes are a communication tool and the barrier between us, and the world is not only where others see us but also where others interpret us.

From colors to patterns, to the cut of the garment and accessories, every detail counts because they all communicate both to the world and to us. Clothes and accessories can be interpreted as armor that has the power to strengthen us, increase self-esteem and create perceptions of who we are. So, before choosing what to wear, you might want to analyze the context and adapt the clothes to the occasion and the impression you want to make.

Regarding colors, for example, blue and purple are colors that you should use when you want to be seen as a confident person. On the other hand, yellow is associated with more creative and dynamic people. If you want to impose your ideas and be heard, you should wear red clothes and light pink garments will make you seem innocent and youthfull . Wearing shades of green will make you look hopeful . Finally, black is associated with serious people, white with purity .

When it comes to styles, you don’t always have to go for the same one, but if you do, it s could make you appear more consistent . If you want to come across as more formal, you should use dark colors because they are understood to be more formal colors — especially black and grey. As far as accessories are concerned, they should be as discreet as possible. On the other hand, if you want to project a more casual and relaxed image, you should opt for pastel colors and loose-fitting clothes: jeans and practical shoes like trainers combined with as few accessories as possible. However if you want to be perceived as more powerful you should combine pieces such as suits and shirts and complete them with ties and imposing accessories such as high-end watches, for example.

In short, messages like accessibility and casualness, for example, are associated with light, soft and warm colors, rounded lines and shapes, low contrast between pieces, and soft textures. However, remoteness and formality are messages associated with dark, intense, and cold colors, with straighter lines and shapes, combined in high contrast and with fuller textures.

In conclusion, we should embrace our power to choose pieces that enhance the image we want to project. It’s essential to have fun choosing and trying out your outfits and that you feel comfortable and confident in them, as this is the ultimate asset in influencing the world’s positive perception of you.

