Today was the first day I really began working on a feature I plan to have out on the 16th — family lists. Family lists will allow households to add members with different roles to collaborate on the grocery list for an entire household. The goal is to increase the ease of creating a grocery list among households or families by reducing poor communication and forgetfulness.

  1. Talked with a customer and recorded feedback.
  2. Mapped out new feature — family lists — a way to collaborate on a grocery list with role-based permissions
  3. Created documentation for family lists, including permission breakdown, step-by-step functionality, goals, and key properties of a shared list
  4. Designed new pages for family lists features.
Added a hide-able family suggestions list to the list design
New list page to manage your lists
New design for managing user roles of shared lists you own



Chris Johnson
The Squash and the Tomato

Full-stack Surgeon (Design, Vue, Node, mongoDB), knowledge seeker, world dominator, Harry Potter and anime addict, volleyball player, and unfiltered.