Squash Tomato Journal — November 9, 2017–02:00

Chris Johnson
The Squash and the Tomato
1 min readNov 12, 2017
  1. Updated buttons on landing page from ‘Start Using Now’ to ‘Sign Up Now,’ because my older users were constantly trying to register each time they visited with the same registration information, which of course, throws an error saying an account with that information already exists. I didn’t think they would struggle with the concept of registering and logging in.
  2. Added a link under the sign up button as an option to go to the login page (pretty common).
  3. Finished building my new model for creating additional lists
  4. Finished the rendering of displaying all lists a user has
  5. Finished building the routes and rendering of each list itself when visited



Chris Johnson
The Squash and the Tomato

Full-stack Surgeon (Design, Vue, Node, mongoDB), knowledge seeker, world dominator, Harry Potter and anime addict, volleyball player, and unfiltered.