My Dear Elector Letter

Andrea Laiacona Dooley
The Squeak
Published in
2 min readDec 11, 2016

Yesterday, on a sleepy rainy Saturday that would have been perfect for reading a national security briefing, DJT instead 1)started a fight with the CIA, who had just revealed that Russia had interfered with our election, which 2) he didn’t deny and then 3) appointed a friend of Putin to be Secretary of State. After I glued all the hair that fell off back onto my head and got my eyes to stop bleeding, I decided I would write a Dear Elector letter. Yes, I know it’s more taxing on my typing fingers than just shouting down a well, but has the same effect. I couldn’t do NOTHING.

My cousin shared this Dear Elector letter with me but it didn’t cover all the new horrors perpetrated by DJT in just the past couple of days. So here’s my letter, which I sent to all the people in the link. Enjoy writing your own. It’s cathartic, if nothing else.

Dear Elector:

My name is Andrea Dooley and I live in Oakland, CA. I am sure that many people are contacting you these days and I want to add my voice to theirs in asking you to consider electing someone other than Donald Trump as President when the Electoral College meets.

I am sure that you take your role as an elector very seriously. Even if you were a Trump supporter before the election, I hope you will consider the following questions as you deliberate about your choice for President:

1. Do you know whether Mr. Trump is truly qualified to be President?

2. Do you know whether Mr. Trump is free of “demagogic tendencies”? A demagogue is defined as “a political leader who seeks support by appealing to popular desires and prejudices rather than by using rational argument.”

3. Do you know whether Mr. Trump is independent from foreign influence?

4. Do you know whether Mr. Trump, if confirmed by the electors, will reject any presents, income, emolument, etc. from any foreign leader or state?

The answers to each of these questions must be unequivocally yes in order for you to select Mr. Trump as our President in good conscience. Recent events, including his foreign business interests, Russian interference with our election, and his Cabinet choices, all necessitate that electors vote their conscience and request someone other than Mr. Trump as President.

If you have concerns that your state law binds you to the popular vote of your state in casting your elector vote, please let me know. The Electors Trust ( are excellent lawyers who are providing pro bono confidential advice and support for electors who believe that their deliberative duty makes it difficult to cast their electoral vote for Mr. Trump.

Thank you for your time and consideration. I look forward to your response and would welcome a dialogue with you on this. I appreciate and respect your role in this process.

Very sincerely,

Andrea L. Dooley



Andrea Laiacona Dooley
The Squeak

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