Innocence Forsaken

A Tale of Growing Up Too Fast

Michelle G.
The Stardust Club ⭐
Sep 29, 2023


Photo by Zohre Nemati on Unsplash

Sitting on the floor

Curled into a ball

Not sure how to react or what to say

Do I speak up?

Do I stay quiet?

How do I live with the secret of being so undoubtedly violated?

But what if they don’t believe me?

He would never admit it.

Innocence forsaken, childhood faded

What happens now?

Time moves forward

Hours turn into days, days turn to years

I gather myself, stand tall

Work everyday to fit the broken pieces together

To be whole again

To rise above and survive

To feel secure now in my adulthood to tell my story

To be an inspiration, a light in the dark while on my journey of recovery

