A Letter to Masculinity.

Megha Jhunjhunwala
The Starlink Foundation
2 min readJan 5, 2015


(From over a year ago, in 2013)

P.S. Inspired by: http://drkellyflanagan.com/2012/07/06/a-letter-to-masculinity/

We attract everything into our lives. Each moment is designed by us. For the last few days I’ve been pondering over the extinction of real men around . It makes me wonder, it must be me, whose always attracted the most non masculine men or just excuse for men and sometimes human beings.

Understanding that everything is balanced and everyone plays their own part and noone is good or bad or wrong or right in my existential world, this feeling still lurks within.

Especially after my last relationship which I thought was ‘different’. A very well read & educated individual with very high credentials as projected to the world, only turned out be an imposter with great story telling skills. (kudos to the story telling!)

Why do some men feel the need to wear such masks? Are they so shallow within or can they not look at themselves as they really are, because it would bring them shame?

I recently watched a very interesting video lecture by Jackson Katz.

I agree with what he spoke about so called women ‘issues’ actually being male/men issues. We always talk about how “She was raped” or “She’s a victim of sex trafficking.” Who raped the girl, and what is wrong with the man who did? Isn’t that the real thing we should be talking about. Or maybe not ask, what’s happened to the men who want to pay rent for a woman’s body so he could own it for that period of time? If there was no market then would sex workers grow rapidly every year throughout the world?

Some of these men are none other than the civilised educated men we spoke about. Who in someway if not obviously, are a part of these male issues our society is faced with everyday in the loudest and quietest parts of our cities?

Social stigmas and what not put women in boxes and label them away. In every strata of society. I was talking to a very dear girlfriend today on my way back from the Apne Aap centre, and she pointed out something so beautiful. Most women in India are like trees, who are well fed and rooted till they get married (uprooted) and are expected to grow the same way if not better in the new environment. Lets not start a controversy here. All I’m saying is, if women have the strength to do this so easily, is it not so that they should be treated with respect?

Why does the male ego have to be larger than life itself?

Is it that men feel like men by dominating women around them, in various ways and walks of life?

Where are the real men?



Megha Jhunjhunwala
The Starlink Foundation

The musings of a travelling chef, writer & artist with boundless impulse. @megha_jh