3 hacks to work smarter

Pei Yi Koh
The Startup Buddy
Published in
2 min readAug 27, 2018
Photo by Thought Catalog on Unsplash

Have you ever wondered how some people just manage to finish so much work while you are still on your to-do list from day before yesterday? Fighting sleep deprivation isn’t a cute look on anyone, yet some manage to get their sleep and still finish their work! Is it possible that in a day, these select few have more than 24 hours? NO. (Or not that I know of, hello aliens!)

So how do these super-productive people do it? The simple answer to this question is that they work smarter and not harder.

Coming to your rescue, I’ve 3 simple hacks you can use to be more like them (and get your precious zzzzs).

Hack #1: Learn to say ‘NO’

If your friend offers you drugs or cigarettes, hold out your hand and “say ‘no’ to drugs”.

Similarly, learn to say no to events or opportunities that are not on your priority list. Trust me, it’s always better to say no to things that you don’t think is important rather than to say yes to everything and not do half the things you committed to.

Hack #2: Sleep

I’m not asking you to stay in your bed all day long of course. But do you remember the research that emphasises the importance of sleep? It’s scientifically proven that 7–8 hours of rest is a must for your brain to function at its best.

Those all-nighters you pull, it’s not always the best way to achieve results. Do what you got to do, but remember to set aside enough time for you to rest sufficiently!

Which brings me to the next point.

Hack #3: Focus

How many times have you checked your phone since you started that particular report? Are you reading this article when you’re supposed to be doing your other work (well, thank you!)?

We’re often susceptible to getting sidetracked by distractions especially now that we always have our phones on us.

Do what you can to minimise your exposure to these distractions! Create an environment that is best for you to focus. Isolate yourself, leave your phone in the other room/ out of sight/ “do not disturb” mode. You’d be surprised how much work you can do when you are in the right environment!

By keeping your focus and being disciplined, you’ll be able to complete more in less time. Hack #2 and #3 creates a cycle that shouldn’t be broken or else you will end up with sleep debt accumulation. And we all know, the older we get, the harder it gets to pay this debt off.

Referenced from: Jordan Bates
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