Weird growth hack: Guerrilla marketing

Great impact ideas on a close to nothing budget

Merryl Jacob
The Startup Buddy
2 min readJun 26, 2018


“A white arrow painted on an asphalt road in Rome in the evening” by Vek Labs on Unsplash

Startups are almost always low on cash. To have a little more moolah in the bank account startups usually, need to get investors on board. But you can’t get investors if you don’t have growth, but it’s hard to grow without money. Basically, it’s a never-ending cycle of despair…

This series will share with you some really unconventional ways to grow your company with a low budget!

The budget-friendly option for Startups that need to increase their user base: Guerrilla marketing.

Guerrilla marketing relies heavily on unconventional marketing ideas born out sheer imagination and will.

With a great idea and a team willing to spend hours implementing it, you won’t need all that 0s in your marketing budget to get the desired traction.

Bigger companies like Burger King and Wendy’s have used this tactic by creating a twitter account to roast people, instantly garnering attention from the masses and people are loving it (McDonald’s have yet to try it though)! Think you can’t beat them? Well, think again.

Singapore based company Sqkii definitely undertook an unconventional method to garner attention from their customer base. By hiding $800 in cash in Nanyang Technological University (NTU) and marketing it as a treasure hunt game they were basically able to get an entire university excited and talking about #HuntTheMouse and their company. They basically managed to market Sqkii to 33,000 people with just $800!

Use your imagination, and you might just be able to hype your company with only a few dollars!

The Startup Buddy is Singapore’s founder friendly Startup builder. We provide step-by-step guidance, resources and pitch optimisation in your Startup journey! Find out more at The Startup Buddy!



Merryl Jacob
The Startup Buddy

Always trying to make things (websites, social media and even people) look better!