Hosta Labs — A.I. For Measuring the Built World

Offering the most efficient and insightful structural assessment of interior spaces by leveraging A.I. to assess interior spaces.

Jeff Piltch


The Problem

Currently, interior spaces are assessed manually by an army of people in industries like mortgage appraisals, property insurance, real estate, interior design/architecture, supplier auditing in manufacturing, ship maintenance, among many others.

What The Company Does

Hosta Labs provides a solution to automatically assess those spaces from a simple picture — more accurate, more efficient, and more data insightful.

Business Model

Hosta will ultimately provide an API solution. Currently though, they are charging per occupancy, ramping up a major insurance carrier.

The Market

The Hosta team says that they have built the only A.I. that understands spaces like a human surveyor — from a structural and content perspective. Hosta’s beachhead, property insurance, is a multi-billion market in claim and underwriting assessment.




Jeff Piltch

Passionate about the game of golf and Boston’s startup ecosystem. You’ll see me writing about those things, real estate and some other stuff.