Knox Financial — Simplifying rental property ownership

Knox Financial makes turning a home into income property as easy as owning a share of a Blue Chip Stock

Jeff Piltch


Knox is on a mission to turn owning rental property as easy as owning a share of MSFT or AMZN

The Opportunity

When it’s time to move, homeowners typically want to hold on to the home they already own because they know it will go up in value and produce positive cash flow. However, they don’t want to take on the burdens of getting the right insurance, finding tenants, collecting rent, figuring out the accounting and taxes, and maintaining the property. Many of us have that friend or know that person or are that person that wish they held onto that condo in Southie or Dorchester.


Knox solves all of these rental property ownership challenges with one product. Knox has introduced Frictionless Ownership, a comprehensive program for making rental property ownership insanely easy. Knox program features:

1. Home evaluation: Knox has built a proprietary, internally-facing tool to quickly analyze a home for profitability, income potential, and investment performance. Within a matter of seconds, Knox can determine whether a home will be accepted on to the Knox program.

2. Rent optimization: Once a home is in the Knox program, Knox’s proprietary…



Jeff Piltch

Passionate about the game of golf and Boston’s startup ecosystem. You’ll see me writing about those things, real estate and some other stuff.