SammyOps — Simplifying Fleet Management

Helping customers save time and money by giving them insights to optimize their equipment operations

Jeff Piltch


The Problem

Businesses that have vehicle fleets struggle with managing maintenance and repair. Broken trucks sitting on the lot don’t make revenue.

What The Company Does

Boston-based SammyOps offers a SaaS-based fleet management solution with an easy to use mobile app that simplifies fleet management and maintenance through workflow automation and data driven optimization. Their cloud-based platform makes tracking, managing, and automating fleet maintenance simple and avoids hardware installation, complex IT projects or operations changes. The data captured via the mobile app, including operator input, enables automation of routine tasks and provides contextually rich actionable insights for optimization for both equipment and drivers/operators. Thus, their customers have visibility into their fleets’ use and maintenance needs and can hold their teams accountable to doing what is needed.

Business Model

The business model is a subscription fee per vehicle with a multi-year contract. The contracted revenue is sticky and makes for attractive unit economics.



Jeff Piltch

Passionate about the game of golf and Boston’s startup ecosystem. You’ll see me writing about those things, real estate and some other stuff.