WishRoute Is Helping You Reach Your Diet And Exercise Goals

WishRoute is a text message-based encouragement and accountability service that helps users reach their diet and exercise goals.

Jeff Piltch


The Problem

WishRoute is founded on the belief that people lack the accountability they need to follow through with their wellness goals. Current solutions fall short — people aren’t emotionally connected to robot driven apps, so when their self-motivation runs out, they stop using them. One-on-one coaching is a big step for a lot of people and most can’t afford it. The industry is filled with crash diets and all or nothing mindsets.

What The Company Does

WishRoute is the sweet spot between an automated app and a one-on-one coach. It’s personal enough that you feel accountable, but is also affordable and non-judgmental. Real people on the WishRoute team, in combination with automation and AI, support users through a two-way text message based dialogue in making healthier choices day-to-day. Users receive a curated tip in the morning for inspiration and a check-in text at night on their goal for accountability. Text message cuts through the app notification noise and keeps user’s goals front of mind. When users follow-through, they earn points which can be…



Jeff Piltch

Passionate about the game of golf and Boston’s startup ecosystem. You’ll see me writing about those things, real estate and some other stuff.