Getting Ready for the New Normal

Sajith Mendis
The Startup Cafe
Published in
2 min readMay 19, 2020

With Covid-19 being spread around the world at a really fast rate infecting nearly 5 million people as of date, a lot of countries are under a lockdown or have a curfew imposed. Due to this, millions of people have lost their jobs and thousands of families are suffering from it. Not only the citizens but also the governments and the countries are affected due to this, with the crash of the economy. The depreciation of currencies is a great indicator of how the countries have been affected.

Photo by Lucrezia Carnelos on Unsplash

In the long run, any country cannot keep the boarders closed as that would lead to a further economic downturn. At one point, every country should start their businesses and activities to restart the country as a whole.

When doing so, precautionary measures should be taken proactively. People should be equipped to with protective gear such as gloves, masks, face shields, sanitizers and all sorts items to assure no further spread of the virus. Otherwise, another major wave of COVID-19 could hit the globe, which will lead the counties to be closed for some more months.

The demand for these items would be a new business opportunity for a lot of companies. I have come across companies which have already started the business of producing hand sanitizers, masks and other essential items. A lot of businesses shift their core area of work to the production of such items, indeed grabbing the opportunity.

Some Business Opportunities could be

  • Production of masks, gloves, face shields and protective gear
  • Sanitizers
  • Disinfectant cubicles
  • Machinery to spray disinfectant
  • Low-cost PCR Test Kits
  • Low-cost ventilators for hospitals

So as I see in the next couple of months, businesses which cater to gearing up for the precautionary measures for COVID-19 would have great opportunities. Since most of these protective gear such as masks and gloves are not reusable, and the demand for them is very high, the companies will have to get into mass-scale production of such items.

As Justin Tredure, CanadianPM stated: “this would be the new normal”. Until a vaccine is produced this would indeed be the new normal to the whole world.

As an adaptation for survival, the businesses related to Covid-19 prevention would have a great opportunity to tap the markets not only locally, but globally as well, to cater to the needs of the new normal.



Sajith Mendis
The Startup Cafe

A Software Engineer with a new found passion for writing about anything other than software Engineering…