Pop Quiz, Monday with Lindsey Myers, Founder at Concrete Blonde Consulting

Art Legends
Art Legends in History
4 min readOct 25, 2018
Photo credit: Lindsey Myers

The Pop Quiz, Monday is a fun little exam that we love to give to savvy business people. The examination is not a surprise after all since the interviewee already knew about the questions in advance. However, we can always pretend and have fun with the scenario of a young entrepreneur sitting in class nervously biting on their pencil. They are ready to take a pop quiz on a chapter that they were supposed to read the night before. Instead, they played Metroid all night on their SNES (Oops, this was me in high school). The real purpose of the pop quiz is that this is a fun way to introduce business tips from real-world experiences that you cannot learn in a classroom. We want to thank our interviewee for being a good sport and volunteering their time to answer a few questions to help our community grow from their knowledge.

I want to introduce you to our guest today who will be taking our Pop Quiz, Monday.

Can you please tell everyone your name?

Lindsey Myers

What is your job role?


Tell us about your company?

Concrete Blonde Consulting is a full-service consulting and marketing firm in NYC. We specialize in providing custom marketing solutions for profit and growth. By examining your business development pipeline, we are able to identify new areas for growth, while also creating strategies to amplify current opportunities. Also, we analyze the corporate structure and internal comms, streamline operations and build additional sources of revenue.

Communications is a rapidly changing field, and our firm is continually transforming to harnesses the powers of both influence and interaction. We offer clients a variety of tools from branding and third-party PR endorsements to social influencer campaigns and event planning to reach consumers and drive business.

We believe every client is unique. We partner with them to unearth their core business goals. Then we create bespoke strategic marketing plans with benchmarks to chart our progress and target our methods. We feel a sense of responsibility to our clients, and we are responsive not only to their needs but also to the ever-changing world in which they operate.

What do you love most about your job?

I love helping entrepreneurs tell their stories and build their brand as they grow their dream into a company.

What motivates you to get up every day and go to work?

The belief that everyone deserves to do something they love and that entrepreneurship is the best vehicle to accomplish that goal. I get up every day and go to work because I want to help people who were brave enough to risk everything to be the man in the arena.

How do your co-workers inspire you?

My co-workers are some of the most amazing people I have ever met. Their courage when faced with challenges, their humility and their faith in the power of their art has taught me the dignity in being loyal to something you believe in. Of holding onto it. Above all else, of believing without question.

How do you have fun at work (team building, pranks, etc..)?

We do company happy hours that allow us to put the work away, get out and enjoy each other as people.

What are some of the challenges of your job?

The most significant challenge is always just putting in consistent effort, even when you can’t see the results. The big things we are working to accomplish don’t happen overnight, and that means you have to stay motivated without the benefit of those smaller victories to keep you going.

What are some lessons learned from a past project that you can share with us?

The two most potent weapons are time and patience.

What advice would you give to someone who is starting out in your industry?

Don’t do things just because it is the way they have always been done. Sometimes reinventing the wheel can pay dividends. One of the best things I ever did for my company was getting rid of our office and having everyone work remotely. I don’t know of any other PR firm that operates that way, but I wouldn’t have it any other way.

Thank you for taking our pop quiz today. You get an A+ for effort. You can learn more about our interviewee and their business by visiting them on the web:


