Creating Highly Reusable Angular Components

Dave Gavigan
The Startup Lab
2 min readMay 21, 2018


Child to parent component communication in Angular 6.0

Having components that can take care of routine functionality is a core concept to modern web development, regardless of your framework. This often means having our children component send information back to our parent. (like selecting a contact from an address book)

Today we look how use the EventEmitter in Angular to dispatch events back up to parent components.

Don’t like reading? Here’s a video guide of the EventEmitter!

@Output Decorator

Import Output from @angular/core .

This will expose a new output property for us to bind to on the template on the parent component called “itemSelected”

In our child component define the Ouptput variable

@Output itemSelected = ...


Import EventEmitter from @angular/core as well.

The EventEmitter is a special class we get from Angular that will emit our Event up to our parent component. We’ll set a new EventEmitter to the value of our Output property itemSelected.

@Output itemSelected = new EventEmitter()

Lets wire it together!

In our child component, we will define a local method when the component is clicked. On this local method, we will then call our Output event’s emit() method.

This will shoot our value back up to the parent component where we can further process the information, like adding the selected value to our address book.

On the child component Template

We’ll bind to the click event when a user selects a given item in our list (child) component. The only responsibility this component has is to render a list and tell our parent which one was selected

<div (click)="onClick(item)">{{}}</div>

On the child component TypeScript

Define the method onClick to catch the value selected, and inform our parent via the emit method.

//In the child component, we pass the value to our local method
//send the value back to our parent's function

On the parent component template

/*we'll bind our parent's function to the output property we created called "itemSelected" on the child. Be sure you are passing the event to the local parent's method with "$event".*/<div (itemSelected)="selected($event)"></div>

Log the selected item on the parent component typescript




Dave Gavigan
The Startup Lab

Web & Mobile Developer, Founder of . I help people build their products and launch their business