Photo cred: Nuno Martins

This Post was Never Written

I really wanted to write this post. But then I couldn’t.

David Spinks
The Startup Life
Published in
2 min readJun 13, 2013


I couldn’t write this post because in the startup world, perception is everything.

You must be confident. You must have all the answers. You must see the future.

And to write this post about being honest about your hardships, to be transparent or even vulnerable… that would just paint the wrong picture.

This post couldn’t be written because future investors might read it. They might get the wrong idea.

They’d get the sense that I’m not confident and well… who wants to give money to someone with doubt?

It’s too bad. This would have been a great post.

It would be something every entrepreneur could read and find comfort in knowing they’re not alone.

This post would have been reality.

Reality about the hardship.

Reality about being uncertain.

Reality that every. single. startup. goes through the same mental and emotional roller coaster that you and I have.

Reality about the pressure. About being pushed and pulled in every single direction at the same time.

This post would have also been about confidence.

But not the kind that you muster through the teeth of a forced smile and witty rhetoric.

This post would be about real confidence. The confidence to admit hardship, but remain dedicated to a vision.

The fortitude to take the highs and the lows in stride with the bigger picture always in mind.

The courage to take every step and the awareness that it’s all part of one long journey.

Confidence of the visionary. It’s having the end in sight but admitting that you do not yet know the best path to get there.

It’s about having pride in the experiments past and the experiments ahead.

Too bad this post was never written. It would have let other entrepreneurs know that in reality, they’ve never been alone. And that the very fact that they’re trying is the greatest confidence of all.

To all of the blog posts that were never written about entrepreneurship…

