3 Tips on How to Read 3 Tips Posts

Gal Ofel
Startup Nation
Published in
2 min readFeb 29, 2016

We all read, like and share posts on tips in various topics. To get the most out of these posts it is strongly recommended not to follow any of these tips:

Tip 1: Read only the Titles

Whoever wrote the post wanted you to read the headlines and just scribbled some text to fill the blank spaces. The images are very nice but don’t have anything to do with the tips.

Tip 2: Be Bold, Go for it

If you decide to read the entire text, a long rough way is ahead of you.

Tip 3: Think

Spend exactly 17 seconds to take a brave decision if you are ready to move on or need to spend another second to like and/or share the post.

Extra Tip: Neglect Apple vs. Oranges Discussions

Apple vs. oranges discussions are useless. Both are fruits, grow on trees, have seeds and are sweet.

Best Tip: Memorize the Least Important Tip

Identify the least important tip and memorize it by heart. On your next team meeting at work, tell your colleagues what you have learnt and how it will improve your personal and professional life.


About the Author :-)

The author is an experienced tip posts writer feeling confused tip posts get higher traction. Please leave your feedback or suggest additional tips in the comments below.



Gal Ofel
Startup Nation

Product Manager, Entrepreneur. “Those who do not make mistakes, will never be wrong. Try, experiment & educate yourself.”