Facebook shuts down their developers tool.

5 best alternatives exist to Parse now that it is shutting down.

Mickey Haslavsky
Startup Nation
Published in
2 min readJan 29, 2016


Yesterday Facebook announced they closing its Parse Mobile developer platform. Parse will still operate until January 28, 2017, so developers have time to move their data over to other platforms. Now when all the developers are looking for alternatives, there are few amazing products in the market.

There are several Parse alternatives out there right now:

1. AWS Mobile Hub — this is a direct Parse replacement that recently came out by AWS. Although this is in Beta, AWS is a well respected platform that supports many huge companies like Netflix and Yelp. AWS Mobile Hub — Develop, Test & Launch Mobile Apps

2. Firebase — (acquired by Google) Firebase offers a great solution for real time communication and data storage. It’s perfect if what you are doing is mainly data & realtime (chat, game, collaboration, etc…) but it’s not very flexible for other things (e.g. payment, SMS, push notifications etc…) Build Extraordinary Apps — Firebase

3. RapidAPI — a backend platform that allows for saving data and integrating APIs. It is based on blocks so each basic action is represented by a block. You can combine blocks to create logic. When it comes to Push Notifications, Facebook API, Sending SMS and more… This one is great. It has a bit of a higher learning curve but it’s probably most flexible. https://www.rapidapi.com

If you already have your app on Parse, the RapidAPI team is working on a simple tool to move all your data from Parse to RapidAPI easily. Stay updated on: https://rapidapi.com/parse/

4. BackAnd — a platforms that allows you to create an AngularJS ready backend for your app. Its really good of you are working on AngularJS web apps and your data is stored on Amazon RDS. AngularJS Backend — Back&

5. StackMob (their website seems out of date) Bluehost.com

6. Kinvey — an ‘Enterprise Parse’ of sorts https://kinvey.com

PS: I’m a product Manager at RapidAPI. Cheers!

