Startups don't Die, They Commit Suicide!

Arjun Komath
The Startup Story
Published in
3 min readSep 14, 2014


There are no regrets in life, just lessons. — Jennifer Aniston

Solve a small problem in a better way that is useful for everyone. I believed in that ideology, and hence, changing the world wasn't our first priority. Myself and my friend took off with a small simple idea, and decided to take up the challenge. I believed that one could succeed, even by solving the smallest problem in a better way.

We started the preparation during our college days, and soon after graduation we decided to make our concept a reality. Our startup was incubated and we were all set to develop our product. After several sleepless nights and hours of hard work we finally came up with our initial product. But, things weren't easy there after..

Startups don't Die, they commit Suicide! Why?


Most startups need money to take their product or service to next level. For a tech startup developing the product is only a beginning, there are several hurdles they have to face. Marketing the product requires a hell lot of cash, and acquiring that first set of customers will be very difficult without proper marketing. Money is required at all stages and growth of the startup will be affected a lot without proper flow of money.

“There are several things we want to try, but we just can’t, due to lack of funding!”


From where I come, Kerala, India, people tend to criticize anything and everything, irrespective of whether they have any knowledge about it. I have had some very bad experiences, which taught me that there are a few people in this world, who are not capable of appreciating anything.

So, to all those budding entrepreneurs out there, be prepared. Don’t give up, take those criticisms as a challenge!

“To avoid criticism say nothing, do nothing, be nothing.” ― Aristotle

Social Pressure

There will be pressure from everywhere! Parents, relationships, friends, society! Parents may not be always supportive, when you want to quit your job to chase your dream. Relationships may not work out very well, and you may not have much success to share with your friends.

Remember, Only you’ll understand what you're going through. The dream you're chasing is yours only, and not anyone elses!

Work, work and some more work…

“With great power comes great responsibility” ― Voltaire

Being the CEO (Chief everything officer) of a startup isn't as fancy as it sounds, you'll be the one who has to do everything unless you have a co-founder. You'll have to complete every work, and will have to make others work.

Sleepless nights, endless worrying, perpetual dissatisfaction, but still you'll enjoy everything as long as you're passionate about it. Finally, You'll be responsible for the startups success and failure.

A startup is never meant for a lounger, be a workaholic!

Fear of failure

“Fear will do one thing and one thing only: hold you back”
Kya Aliana

I don't want to repeat what many others have already said. Failure sucks! A failed product or idea may not motivate everyone. It is a fact, but still, don’t hesitate to try or take that chance. Irrespective of whether we will succeed or fail, give it your best shot and hope for the best.

Don't let fear or insecurity stop you from trying new things. Believe in yourself. Do what you love. And most importantly, be kind to others, even if you don't like them. — Stacy London

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