[Podcast] User Adoption Journey


Getting users to adopt isn’t just a one-time thing — it’s a full journey on its own from planning, to the actual implementation, to circling back on feedback to your product, sales, and marketing teams on what the customers are saying. Furthermore, it’s also about building those key trusted advisor relationships that will help both your team and theirs succeed!

Recently, I went on the User Adoption Podcast hosted by Henrik de Gyor to talk more about this. Check it out here: https://useradoptionpodcast.com/2020/08/17/jennifer-chiang/

In the podcast, we talk about:

  1. How am I involved with user adoption as a Director of Customer Success at a small startup
  2. What are the biggest successes and challenges I have seen with user adoption
  3. What advice would I like to share with people working on improving user adoption




Jennifer Chiang
The Startup’s Guide to Customer Success

Customer success director, Author of The Startup’s Guide to Customer Success, mental health advocate, political economist, and speaker.