[Video] Identifying Desired Outcomes


Identifying desired outcomes in Customer Success is key to what makes us Customer Success teams successful. So core, that it is literally part of our name :)

So, why do we do this exercise? We do this to better help every stakeholder understand the goal at hand and how our partnership can best achieve the goal. For the customer, by better articulating their goal, we as the company can better tailor their journey so that they are more likely to hit that goal. For the company, by helping the customer reach their goals, we can not only help our customers, but also creating long lasting relationships that are vital for any business.

But how do we do this? First, we must empathize and understand what the customer is feeling. This allows us to better talk about the goals that we want to reach — goals not only for their company or themselves, but also possibly for their customers or other stakeholders.

I elaborate more on this in a video that I did a while back with my fellow Customer Success evangelist Elisabeth Courland on her Youtube Channel, Planete Customer Success. We dive into how to have these conversations with your customer, what you can do when your customers may not know what their goals are, and the importance of tailoring the conversations.

Check out the full video here: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=n0o4m_88VDA

Thanks to Elisabeth for having me and super excited to continue to nerd out about Customer Success with all of you guys 🚀



Jennifer Chiang
The Startup’s Guide to Customer Success

Customer success director, Author of The Startup’s Guide to Customer Success, mental health advocate, political economist, and speaker.