I Feel A Bit Clumsy While Eating At Restaurants in Malaysia

Such an oaf.

Linda Ng
The Starving Tourist
3 min readNov 7, 2023


Get your money ready! (photo provided by Linda Ng)

I feel really out of place when I’m eating in Malaysia. I’m normally indecisive and it’s much worse in Malaysia because of all the different food options. You can even combine different types of noodles in one bowl! It’s not only for food either. I’m at a loss of what to order for drinks too. There are another ton of different combinations, so I get all overwhelmed about what to order all the time! When the server comes over and asks what you want to drink, I feel so embarrassed and stressed out. When I can’t think of anything, I just default to water!

Finally, I realized I should try to decide before I get to the restaurant! (DUH). That works a little better. But I find that I need to think of Plan B, in case my first option isn’t available.

This isn’t so bad.. why would you feel clumsy then?

Well, being overwhelmed by too many food choices is one thing that makes me feel clumsy. The main part is actually when you get your food!

In Canada, we ask for the bill after we finish our meal. Not in Malaysia! When the food gets delivered to your table, you pay for it immediately. I got caught off guard so many times! Then I thought, maybe I should have money…

