Photo by Henry & Co. on Unsplash

Welcome to the Stata Gallery!

Asjad Naqvi
The Stata Gallery
4 min readJun 16, 2022


(Last updated: June 2024)

The aim of the Stata Gallery is enable the awesome Stata community to contribute their data analysis and visualization guides. This publication is an extension of the Stata Guide on Medium, where I post more foundational content on programming, data management, project workflow, and data visualizations.

Why publish here?

We frequently come across nice Stata visualizations and other articles on social media platforms (such as Twitter/X), personal websites, GitHub repositories, etc. While it is easy to bookmark these pages for later, we tend to hardly go back to these websites. Additionally, some of these are just code repositories with very little explanation. In short, a lot of creative and innovative work gets lost in cyberspace.

The Stata Gallery allows for the community to contribute their own guides with code snippets which the readers can benefit from. The Gallery is fully indexed and SEO tagged so that the articles can be easily found through search engines. Plus, the nice blog-like setup on Medium allows authors to jump right into the writing part without having to worry about templates, plugins, etc.

The Stata Gallery is meant to be open to different types of topics. This means that you can decide hown and in which formn you want to contribute your articles. Well-written posts will be featured prominently and shared extensively on various social media platforms to help with engagement on this platform.

What should a submission look like?

Here is a broad list of items to keep in mind when contributing:

  • A feature image. This is the main contribution of your article so make sure it pops out! You can either use a stock image from Unsplash, custom-design you banner, or reach out to me to create a standardized one for you.
  • Please make sure that the readers have full information for replication. This means fully spelling out the Stata versions, required packages, schemes etc. Also please make sure that the guide is generalizable across various versions of Stata.
  • Please provide full links to data sources, or where to find them, and how to clean them up. If you have them on your GitHub, or some other online repository, then make sure readers have the syntax to read the data directly in Stata. Remember that readers do not want to go on a data hunt!
  • Pleae make sure that the code has an easy-to-follow sequence with some minimal explanation. You can also annotate the code in the code blocks. Code blocks can be added using the three ``` signs and Enter on a new line. In-line code can be added using a single ` followed by some text.
  • Please make sure that the images you add have a high resolution. For example, I always export my figures at a width of 3000 or 4000 pixels. This can be easily achieved in Stata as follows:
<some graph code>

graph export xxx.png, replace wid(3000)
  • Pleae add some information on how to contact you, your personal website, social media links etc. at the end of the article.
  • If you post your articles on social media, then please use the tags #StataGallery and #StataViz so we can collect, retweet, and promote, the articles.

All in all, the article should be complete, with all the information requirement to make the figure from A to Z.

How to submit?

Here are the steps for completing your submission to the Stata Gallery:

  • Create a Medium account (you don’t need any subscription to write stories)
  • Write your article and proof read it. carefully!
  • Send me your Medium user name and I will add it to the writers list for the publication.
  • In the story settings (three dots on the top next to the bell), fill in the meta information including preview picture, title and subtitle, tags. For example, I always add “Stata” as a tag.
  • Click “Add to publication” and select “The Stata Gallery”
  • Press submit and press publish when you are ready to publish.
  • I will receive the story and I will also have the right to make changes. Usually the changes I make are fixing headings, and small typos if I find them. If there are major errors or concerns, I will message you.
  • Once published, the story will appear on the publication. You have the right to remove and modify it once it is published. But remember that modifications should be corrections and improvements. Do not rewrite!
  • Also please note that once you submit, you also give me the right to modify the content. Usually this means, that I can: fix minor typos, minor grammar issues, minor improvements to code, adding/updating banners, improving images etc. No major changes will be made to your article without your consent.

Also feel free to monetize your publications if you wish. Make sure you are eligible for the Medium partner program. If anything is not clear, please feel free to message me on Twitter, or E-email (

So send in your contributions!

Photo by Clark Tibbs on Unsplash



Asjad Naqvi
The Stata Gallery

Here you will find stuff on Stata, data visualizations, data wrangling, workflows, and programming.