Regular expressions (regex) in Stata

Asjad Naqvi
The Stata Guide
Published in
23 min readMar 17, 2021


(Last updated: Feb 2024)

This guide covers one of the most under-documented features of Stata: regular expressions, or regex for short. In this guide we will learn how to implement the regex features shown in the Stata cheat sheet below. This includes learning about quantifiers, building bottom-up specific and generic expressions, using word boundaries, and choosing between greedy versus possessive matching.

Printable version:

Regex is the core pattern-matching algorithm used for text searches. Implemention of regex is ubiquitous on the internet where the algorithm is invoked when doing autofills, and password checks. For example, regex controls whether your password has sufficient characters or whether it is strong enough without actually storing or seeing the password. Regex is extremely powerful, and can be incorporated in several tools such as text mining, natural language processing (NLP), sentiment analysis, machine learning (ML), automated journalism, auto completing text, and programming web crawlers. Companies like Google already probably use some version of regex to sift through your emails to find keywords for targeted advertising.

Where do I personally use regular expressions? Having dealt with survey data and public data for almost two decades now, regex helps clean up messy text entries like names, addresses, or parse strings combined in a single variable. Additionally, it is not unusual to end up with data in PDFs. Even though, there are now decent PDF-to-Excel or CSV convertors, there is a good chance, some data will be messed up. For example, I extracted the data for this interactive data visualization in Flourish after parsing more than 4,500 pages from PDFs using a combination of regex and string functions. Overall, this took about two days to get all the text search combinations right. But once the investment is made, the script can be used for other similar databases.

As I have also mentioned in other guides, cleaning and processing data is a large share of research time, while running regressions or making tables is the relatively easier, and the more fun part. Therefore one also needs to learn to clean data efficiently. Unless one has access to a lot of resources or manpower (an option frequently utilized in low-income countries), brute force cleaning or defining replace conditions one-by-one is an arduous task.

Regular expressions are without a doubt, a very powerful tool. They also exist in Stata, and were upgraded in version 14 to a more generic Unicode from the more limited POSIX.2 version. This considerably expanded Stata’s ability to do more complex string matches. But extremely little documentation exists on this topic. Besides some discussions on the Stata forums, and few old articles online, the help file for regex and related commands is fairly rudimentary.

In this document, I will cover the basics of regex and some applications to actual data. Two points here before we start. First, a disclaimer that I am still learning the language of regular expressions which is vast and there are several ways of defining the same algorithm. So there is a chance that a more advanced and a more compact syntax can be written. Second, a lot of resources, including tutorials and guides, exists online on regex. It is important to know that regex is implemented differently in differently languages and different standards are also used. Therefore, be careful in using specific websites for learning since not all the code can be directly used in Stata. In short, if you are using online resource to learn more, you need to find the Unicode regex version. This guide will focus on the Unicode regex implementation in Stata combined with other built-in string functions.

This document is meant to evolve over time as I find new applications or improve the code. But in its current form, this guide covers most of the basics you need to know to get started.

Before we begin, here is the highly cited regex comic from XKCD that I feel I have to add here as well:

Source: XKCD (


A basic knowledge of Stata is expected. It is preferable to have Stata 14 or higher since Stata 14+ has two regex versions. If you type:

help regex

you will end up on this page. This page drops a lot of hints but does not go in the details:

The first hint is that the original regex set of commands are based on the old POSIX.2 standard which is limited in its application, for example how it deals with spaces, character lengths etc. The second hint is that there is a new command ustrregex based on Unicode characters, which is more recent and more advanced. If you click on this, another minimally-defined help page pops up.

This guide will explicitly use the ustrregex version which has a different implementation from regex . In this guide, I will use the term regex as an abbreviation of regular expressions and not the command. I would also suggest that readers learn the ustr version rather than the older implementation.

For the guide below, I won’t provide screenshots of the data browser window (accessed by typing br in the command window). But please have it open to see what is being generated. You can execute the code in a dofile and have the browser window open on the side to observe the changes in the data.

This guide is also not an easy one to write since there is no closed-form outcome like generate a graph or a table. It introduces the concept of regex, which is an open ended language so the aim of this guide is to explain how to “think” in regex language and build search functions. Additionally, if you have the core concepts in place, AI tools like ChatGPT can help you build expressions that you can finetune for your application.

If you are already familiar with regex or are an advanced user, then please send suggestions or code improvements! The purpose of this guide is to document this very useful tool for the broader Stata community.

Part I: Basics

Let’s start with a simple example. Here we generate a cell with the following entry:

set obs 1
gen x = ""
replace x = "abcdefghiJKLMN 11123" in 1

It contains small letters, capital letters and numbers. Let’s generate a simple string pattern search:

gen t1 = ustrregexm(x, "def")

This tells Stata to find the string def, and if it exists return a 1, or 0 otherwise. Here m in ustrregexm stands for match. Once Stata finds the match, it also store the information on what it has matched. This can be recovered as follows:

gen t2 = ustrregexs(0) if ustrregexm(x, "def")

where s stands for sub-expressions, that I will refer to as tokens. Token 0 contains all the matched patterns. If one is finding more than one occurrences of a pattern then token 0 will contain all matches, token 1 the first one, token 2 the second one, and so on. We will come back to tokens later. The code above will simply generate def which is exactly what we want to find.

If we type this:

gen t3 = ustrregexra(x, "[def]", "")

where ra stands for replace. Here we search the string x for def, where [] represents an exact match, and replace it with a missing. In other words, we are saying to return the string minus the term we have specified, or abcghiJKLMN 11123. Additionally if we specify:

gen t4 = ustrregexra(x, "[^def]", "")

The ^def means NOT def. This implies that we remove everything except def so what we should get in the end is def.

Sounds a bit twisted way to get what we want but here the pattern is fairly straightforward. For more complex patterns, for example, that remove all numbers from a string, this is a highly useful command. Will also come back to this later.

This command can also be used to replace text in the original variable rather than generate new variables. Furthermore all ustrregex can be padded with an extra ,1 which means that searches should be case insensitive.

For example:

gen t4_1 = ustrregexra("ABDEFGHIJ", "[def]", "X", 1)

will find def irrespective of the case and replace it with an X. I won’t go further in replacement or case sensitivity applications since they depend on the search you are conducting.

If we type these two:

gen t5 = ustrregexs(0) if ustrregexm(x, "[a-z]+")
gen t6 = ustrregexs(0) if ustrregexm(x, "[A-Z]+")

then we will recover the first set of small letters and capital in the string in the two variables respectively. The + operator means that the algorithm should keep looking for the characters that matches the pattern. Without the + sign, we would just get the first match.

For numbers we can do something similar:

gen t7 = ustrregexs(0) if ustrregexm(x, "[0-9]+")  
gen t8 = ustrregexs(0) if ustrregexm(x, "1+")

The first command finds the first set of numbers in the string while the second one finds all the occurrence of all the 1's.

The above search patterns help us find text or numbers that follow some simple search pattern.

Part II: String functions

Here we start with some random text we generate ourselves:

clearset obs 10gen x = ""
replace x = "The quick brown fox jumps over the lazy dog." in 1
replace x = "the sun is shining. The birds are singing." in 2
replace x = " Pi equals 3.14159265" in 3
replace x = "TheRe arE 9 plANetS in THE solar SYstem. eARth's mOOn is round" in 4
replace x = "I LOVE Stata 16 . " in 5
replace x = "Always correct the regressions for clustered standard errors." in 6
replace x = "I get an error code r(997.55). What do i do next?" in 7
replace x = ", Tel: +43 444 5555" in 8
replace x = ", Tel: +1 800 1337. " in 9
replace x = "Firstname Lastname 03-06-1990" in 10

Here we have a mix of various characters. Single sentences, double sentences. Sentences with emails and telephone numbers, or all capital letters, characters like full-stops, commas, and brackets, and badly defined spaces.

Before we get into the regex stuff, here we also need to briefly discuss Stata’s built-in string functions:

help string functions

This menu brings up a lot of options, most of which the users are probably not aware of. This also include other Unicode string functions that start with the ustr prefix. For more details on Unicode, what it is and how it works read these two help files and their entries in the Stata manual:

help unicode locale
help set locale_functions

Without going too much into the details of all the string functions, the following ones are useful to know in Stata:

gen temp1 = upper(x)
gen temp2 = lower(x)
gen temp3 = proper(x)
gen temp4 = trim(x)
gen temp5 = proper(trim(x))

Since we are dealing with plain alphabets, the above commands are sufficient. But if your text has various characters with accents, you can replace the above with ustrupper, ustrlower, etc.

The first three change the letter cases which is obvious from their names. upper makes everything uppercase, lower is for lowercase, and proper capitalizes the first letter of each word separated by a space. For string matching with messy text, converting everything to upper or lower might make some tasks easier. The command trim gets rid of the blank spaces at the beginning or the end of the string entries. One can also use ftrim or ltrim to clean up spaces at the beginning (f = first) or at the end (l = last) of string variables. Such spaces typically appear when importing from poorly coded Excel files. Sometimes the leading zeros disappear while important data in Stata (e.g. 00001 will show up as 1 but the length will be preserved) so the generic trim might not always be the best option.

The last example shows that several string functions can be combined in one variable as well. For quick fixes, knowing such functions is really useful.

Another useful function is length:

gen diff = length(x) - length(temp4)

Here we compare the length of characters in the original data with the trimmed data. If diff is greater than zero, then this implies that spaces were removed.

Another highly useful feature is wordcount:

cap drop temp*
cap drop diff
gen count = wordcount(x)

This command counts the words that are separated by spaces. A more commonly used feature in Stata is the split command, that by default splits the variables based on spaces. One can also defined other characters for string parsing.

So if we split the data by parsing on the white space:

split x, parse(" ") gen(test)

we will get the data in new variable columns with the name prefix test. For each row, the filled columns should equal exactly the number shown in the count variable. For more advanced programming Stata has another function tokenize that helps parsing locals as well (e.g. with stored filenames or temp variables). If the data column that needs to be cleaned has a very structured string pattern, for example, all dates are written in this format dd–mm–yyyy, then one can use split and parse on the p("-") and get the dates, months and year.

Part III: Generic text searches

Going back to regex, we can now use slightly more advanced options:

cap drop t*gen t1 = ustrregexs(0) if ustrregexm(x, "\w+")  // first word

The command above, returns the first alphanumeric character (letters and numbers) which is defined as \w+. Without the + we will just get the first letter. The + sign means that we should keep searching until we hit a non-alphanumeric character. Note that \w+ does not work with the original regex command.

In regex, we can also pick non-alphanumeric characters, which is defined as:

gen t2 = ustrregexs(0) if ustrregexm(x, "\W+")  // first non-word

or simply as the capital W. In the text we fed above, the visible non-alphanumeric character is the @ sign and the invisible ones are spaces.

Similarly for numbers:

gen t3 = ustrregexs(0) if ustrregexm(x, "\d+")  // first number

\d+ picks the first set of consecutive numbers. It’s opposite \D+:

gen t4 = ustrregexs(0) if ustrregexm(x, "\D+")

picks everything that comes before the first set of numbers. This way of searching is very different from a regular search and replace in Stata (e.g. using subinstr)and it takes some time to get use to this.

Let’s briefly summarize the core functions of regex:

[jkl]    = j or k or l
[^jkl] = everything except j,k, or l
[j|l] = j or l
[a-z] = all lower-case letters
[a-zA-Z] = all lower and uppercase letters
[0-9] = find all numbers
\d all numbers \D all non numbers
\w all alphanumeric \W all non alphanumeric
\s all spaces \S all non spaces

Let us now do a more complex search. We want to find all the “The” in the text. If we start with the simple option:

cap drop t*
gen t1 = ustrregexm(x,"The")
gen t2 = ustrregexs(0) if ustrregexm(x,"The")

This will mark everything correctly, except the fourth line where the first word is “There”. The variable t2, will return “The” as well for the 1st, 2nd, and 4th lines.

If we type this:

gen t3 = ustrregexs(0) if ustrregexm(x,"[t|T]he")

Then we get more matches, where both the capital and small letter “the” is captured. This will pick up the “the” that occur in the middle of the sentences as well. Remember this finds the first match irrespective of where it is.

We can also specify the ^ quantifier which states that we only find the “the” that starts a sentence:

gen t4 = ustrregexs(0) if ustrregexm(x, "^[t|T]he")

Compare line 2 of the variable t4 with t1. t1 found the capital “The” which was the start of the second sentence, while t4 finds the first “the” which starts the first sentence.

Next try this:

gen t5 = ustrregexs(0) if ustrregexm(x, "^[t|T]he\s")

Here we say that find the “the” that starts the sentence and is followed by a space \s. This eliminates the “There” in row 4 from the search.

Try these two options:

gen t6 = ustrregexs(0) if ustrregexm(x, "(^[t|T]\w+)") 
gen t7 = ustrregexs(0) if ustrregexm(x, "(^[t|T]\w{2}\s)")

The variable t6 returns all the words that start with t or T and has any number of letters in front. The variable t7 returns words that start with t or T followed by two letters and a space.

Notice how we went from a specific search of a word to a more generic pattern. While these searches are all case dependent, the examples above show how an expression can be built up from simple rules to get what we want.

Let us now focus on sentences:

cap drop t*
gen t1 = ustrregexs(0) if ustrregexm(x, ".*") // returns everything

Here the option .* returns everything since * is a “greedy” quantifier. This generic function, for example, can be used to find patterns between a defined starting and ending point.

The next option:

gen t2 = ustrregexs(0) if ustrregexm(x, ".*\.") 

Return all rows that end with a full stop. Note that to define a full stop, we need to use the \. option since . itself is reserved for generic searches.

If we specify this option:

gen t3 = ustrregexs(0) if ustrregexm(x, ".*\.$")

Then it will return all sentences that end with a full stop without any spaces between the last letter and the full stop.

And another option:

gen t4 = ustrregexs(0) if ustrregexm(x, ".*\.\s")

This returns, all the sentences that end with a full stop followed by a space. This option can be used, for example, to find sentences in a paragraph.

Here, I would like to introduce sub-expressions or tokens as well:

cap drop t*gen t5_0 = ustrregexs(0) if ustrregexm(x, "(.*\.)(.*\.)")  
gen t5_1 = ustrregexs(1) if ustrregexm(x, "(.*\.)(.*\.)")
gen t5_2 = ustrregexs(2) if ustrregexm(x, "(.*\.)(.*\.)")

Here we define two search options, as highlighted by the expressions in the two round brackets ()(). Here we say that the first expression is anything that ends with a full stop. The second expression is exactly the same. In other words, we are finding two sentences. The variable t5_0 returns all the matches. While t5_1 and t5_2 return the first and the second matches respectively. Another option to try would be this search pattern (.*\.)\s?(.*\.) which says that there might be a space between the two sentences as defined by \s?.

Since ustrregexm matches the occurrences of our string, it is not always optimal to find sets of different combinations or to eliminate characters or words from a string. In this regards, ustrregexra provides a more powerful tool. Try these two variables:

gen t6 = ustrregexra(x,"[^a-zA-Z]","")
gen t7 = ustrregexra(x,"\W","")

The first option basically says keep only the letters, while the second option says drop all the non-alphanumeric characters. Note the difference between the two in the data browser window.

We can also introduce word boundaries using the \b operator. This limits the extent of the search to return an exact match. For example, if we want to search for an email, we can limit the boundaries to something like xxx@yyy.zzz. For the text given above, this can be operationalized as follows:

cap drop t*gen t1 = ustrregexs(0) if ustrregexm(x, "\b([a-zA-Z]+[_|\-|\.]?[a-zA-Z0-9]+@[a-zA-Z]+\.[com|net]+)\b")

Where we open and close with \b . Then we say find some text containing letters. We allow the email to maybe (?) contain underscores _ dashes - and dots .. After this there is more text and number searching, followed by @ and then the domain name that can end with .com or .net or whatever else we want to specify. For the last part we can also just say we want a three letter string \s{3}. Again, this all depends on where we are looking and what we are looking for but it is important to understand that one can slowly build up the expression to cover the all cases and possibilities we want to cover. So one can start with a very simple expression like \w+@\w+\.\w{3}, which is as basic as it gets for an email address, and keep adding conditions to it.

Part IV: Generic numeric searches

Moving on to numbers:

cap drop t*
gen t1 = ustrregexs(0) if ustrregexm(x, "[0-9]")
gen t2 = ustrregexs(0) if ustrregexm(x, "[0-9]+")
gen t3 = ustrregexs(0) if ustrregexm(x, "[0-9][0-9][0-9]")

The first variable t1 returns the first number, t2 returns the first set of numbers, and t3 returns the first set of three-digit numbers. For more orderly data, these simple search functions are sufficient.

We can also be a bit parsimonious in our expression by specifying:

gen t4 = ustrregexs(0) if ustrregexm(x, "\d{4}") 

where \d{4} says find the 4-digit number. Here we can also specify a range, for example d{2,4} which finds 2 to 4 digit numbers, whichever meets the criteria first.

If we specify:

gen t5 = ustrregexs(0) if ustrregexm(x, "\d+-\d+")

Then we want to find digits that are separated with a hyphen. Or if we want to specify numbers that start with a + sign:

gen t6 = ustrregexs(0) if ustrregexm(x, "\+\d+")

Note here that \+ is used for the symbol since + is reserved for matching. We can start becoming a bit more fuzzy with our search by typing:

gen t7 = ustrregexs(0) if ustrregexm(x, "\+?\d+")

which says that the number “may” start with a plus sign. Anything that ends with a ? gives a bit more flexibility.

This command:

gen t8 = ustrregexs(0) if ustrregexm(x, "(\d*\.\d+)") 

Find all numbers that have a decimal \.. The * says that it may or may not start with number, while the number has to end with a digit since we specify +.

For finding the numbers in the data above, we can iteratively build an expression starting with the following:

cap drop t*
gen t1 = ustrregexs(0) if ustrregexm(x, "\d+")

here we say find all the digits. Now we want to add the plus sign as well to the numbers. Since not all the numbers start with one, we can define this as follows:

gen t2 = ustrregexs(0) if ustrregexm(x, "\+?\d+")

Next we can say that we want to add more characters to the number:

gen t3 = ustrregexs(0) if ustrregexm(x, "\+?\d+([\s|\.|-]?)")

which implies that after the number, there can be a space \s, a decimal \. or a hyphen -. Next step, we say that we want to add the remaining digits if they exist:

gen t4 = ustrregexs(0) if ustrregexm(x, "\+?\d+([\s|\.|-]?)(\d+)?")

and we can add more of the same to cover all the numbers:

gen t5 = ustrregexs(0) if ustrregexm(x, "\+?\d+([\s|\.|-]?)(\d+)?([\s|\.|-]?)(\d+)")

If one looks at the expression in first glance, it looks like a mess of letters and symbols but the logic is clearly defined and can be carefully interpreted. This code above is also not the most efficient since regex allows for repeating patterns by looking forward or looking backward to check for conditions. These topics are not (currently) covered in this guide but will be added later.

Actual data I: Names and date of birth

Let’s load an actual data file:


import delimited using "", clear bindq(strict) varn(1)

The file below is a subset of standardized Grade 5 exams where roughly 1.4 million students are tested by the Punjab Education Commission (PEC) each year in the province of Punjab in Pakistan. The data is from a random exam year and has been stripped of identifiers and exam results:

Here we do some simple exercises. Split the name into first name and last name, and split the birthday into year, month, and day. Which one is the month and which one is the date is anyone’s guess but it is not uncommon to run into this problem. Even csv to Excel conversions can mess up the date formats.

The names can be split as follows:

gen name1 = trim(proper(ustrregexs(1))) if ustrregexm(name, "([A-Z]\w+)\s?([A-Z]\w+)?")
gen name2 = trim(proper(ustrregexs(2))) if ustrregexm(name, "([A-Z]\w+)\s?([A-Z]\w+)?")

Here we use the same expression and just call it twice for the first and second tokens. Note that here we also use trim and proper in the same go. The expression says that start with a capital letter followed by any type of letters (capital or small). Since this is in a bracket, it is the first token. Next there may or may not be a space \s. followed by a potential second name. Since some kids don’t have second names specified in the dataset, the ? sign after the space and the second token covers this case.

For the date of birth (dob) we can get rid of the 0:00 first:

replace dob = trim(subinstr(dob,"0:00","",.))

And then we can extract the year variable as:

gen year = ustrregexs(0) if ustrregexm(dob, "\d+$")

This says pick the number that ends the variable since we have the $ sign specified.

For the first date we can simply say:

gen val1 = ustrregexs(0) if ustrregexm(dob, "(\d+)")

and for the second date, this can be defined based on the preceding / or characters:

gen val2 = ustrregexs(1) if ustrregexm(dob, "[/|-](\d+)")

Here we don’t want to recover the full match but just the expression in the brackets so please note the use of ustrregexs(1) rather than ustrregexs(0) which would also return the / or the - sign.

Once these variables are extracted, they can be converted into numeric (destring), and some logic can be used to combine them in a proper date (gen date = mdy())

Actual data II: School census

Here I will use a partial dataset of school names that is extracted from a random school census in Punjab, Pakistan.


import delimited using "", clear bindq(strict) varn(1)

I am using a sub-sample of the full data where this dataset has some 590 rows out of some 43,000 plus schools. If one browses the school name column, then there are several pieces of information stored in the string:

School names are either written in full, or abbreviated and are provided in all possible configurations: boys/girls, primary/secondary/middle/high. Additionally, the variable also contains the name of the school, the village name, and the gender information. To make this clear the following abbreviations are used: GPS = Government Primary School, GGPS = Govt. Girls Primary School. The P can be replaced with E = Elementary, M = Middle, H = High. So a Government Girls Middle School can be written as GGMS, or GOVT. GIRLS M/S. Some schools are also location in Basic Health Units (BHUs) which are also both abbreviated or written in full.

I have no idea why the education department would do this. At the point of data entry one can restrict the fields in databases. Such datasets pose an additional challenge if one tries to match names across different census rounds where in some cases unique IDs also change. Regardless, this is a very real challenge when it comes to dealing with actual data.

We can generate different school type variables based on the conditions we are specifying.

The first condition we can specify is a relatively easy one:

gen schooltype1 = ustrregexs(0) if ustrregexm(school, "(G?[G|B][E|P|M|H|S]S)")

Here we say that the abbreviated name can start with a G (representing government) followed by B or G (boy or girl), and then followed by E,P,S,M, or H (school level), and lastly S representing School. This already identifies 45% of the data:

tab schooltype1, m

Next is a bit more of a complex setup:

gen schooltype2 = ustrregexs(0) if ustrregexm(school, "(GOVT)?\.?\s?((BOY|GIRL)S?)?\s?((E|M|P|H|S)/?\\?S(CHOOL)?)?")

If we read this carefully, we are saying the following:

The name may start with GOVT, which may be followed by a . and/or a space. Next comes BOY or GIRL that can also be plural (BOYS or GIRLS). Next there can be a space followed by school type, followed by maybe a forward slash /, followed by S that can also be written in full. If we run this command, we identify another 45% of the schools. If you browse this variable, then you will notice that some errors still persist since not all the fields are captured correctly. These I leave as exercises to fix :)

One can also use a different logic. One can generate conditions to elicit different fields. For example gender can be one field, school level another. This is all subjective and one learns to use different methods after getting a “feel” for the data.

For the BHU data we can use this command:

gen schooltype3 = ustrregexs(0) if ustrregexm(school, "B(ASIC)?\.?\s?H(EALTH)?\.?\s?U(NIT)?\.?")

This essentially captures most of the combinations of writing BHUs, which can be spelled out, contain dots, or spaces.

A simple check variable:

gen check = schooltype1!="" | schooltype2!=""  | schooltype3!=""
tab check

Shows that we have identified over 91% of the schools.

The gender information, that is given in brackets at the end of the name is properly homogenized and can be extracted as follows:

gen gender1 = ustrregexs(0) if ustrregexm(school, "\(([A-Z]+)\)")
gen gender2 = ustrregexs(1) if ustrregexm(school, "\(([A-Z]+)\)")

The first option returns the names with the brackets while the second only returns information within the brackets.

Assuming that we have generated everything as we want it, we can “subtract” the variables from the original column to reduce it to the remaining information. This can be done using the standard string functions in Stata as follows:

replace school = subinstr(school, schooltype1, "", .)
replace school = subinstr(school, schooltype2, "", .)
replace school = subinstr(school, schooltype3, "", .)
replace school = subinstr(school, gender1, "", .)
replace school = trim(school)

This of course can be refined further to cover all the categories and fix the errors. For example, if one scrolls down, some schools are showing up in "". This can already be cleaned in the first step using the subsinstr option to remove the extra quotes.

Cheat sheet

There are a lot of regex cheat sheets around. Here are the core ones to remember from this Guide:

  • Character matching:
[jkl]    = j or k or l
[^jkl] = everything except j,k, or l
[j|l] = j or l
[a-z] = all lower-case letters
[a-zA-Z] = all lower and uppercase letters
[0-9] = find all numbers
\d all numbers \D all non numbers
\w all alphanumeric \W all non alphanumeric
\s all spaces \S all non spaces
  • Quantifiers:
^  matches the beginning of a string
$ matches the end of a string
. matches any character
| the separator for or. Same as in Stata
? matches zero or one instance
* matches zero or more instances
+ matches one or more instances

These following quantifiers are extremely important in regular expressions and can be extended to distinguish between a “greedy” versus “possessive” quantifiers:

Pattern             Greedy          Reluctant        Possessive
0 or 1 ? ?? ?+
0 or more * *? *+
1 or more + +? ++
y times {y} {y}? {y}+
>=y times {y,} {y,}? {y,}+
>=y and <=z {y,z} {y,z}? {y,z}+

To summarize, “greedy” tries and find everything that meets the criteria while “possessive” matches aim for exact precision. These make a lot of difference on search speeds depending on the size of the dataset. A lot of natural language processing (NLP) datasets, for example archives of newspaper articles or tweets, which can be found on websites like Kaggle, and can be hundreds of gigabytes in size.

Example or a greedy match: cool (.+) hat will try and find everything between a cool and the last occurrence of the word hat and hence greedy. A cool (.+?) hat will stop at the first occurrence of hat and hence reluctant or lazy. Depending on what is being searched, one can be faster than the other.

  • Special characters that need the \ escape for a literal match
[ \ ^ $ . | ? * + ( ) { }

Example: \. matches a literal decimal.

  • Brackets
( ) represent sub-expression or tokens

Example: (\w+)\.?(\d+) will return two tokens since there are two round brackets

[ ] is used for exact matches or exact negations

Example: [abc] matches a or b or c, [^abc] match anything except a or b or c, [a-zA-Z0-9] matches any letter or number,

{ } is used to define match ranges

Example: f{3} find matches where f occurs 3 times, x{3,6} matches where x occurs between 3 and 6 times, \w+{4} matches a four letter word.

I have summarized these in the following cheat sheet which can be downloaded in a pdf format from my GitHub directory:

The cheat sheet will be updated to including other advanced operators as well.

Hope you like this guide! Please send suggestions, feedback, comments, requests, if you have any. Your support keeps these guides going.

About the author

I am an economist by profession and I have been using Stata since 2003. I am currently based in Vienna, Austria. You can see my profile, research, and projects on GitHub or my website. You can connect with me via Medium, Twitter, LinkedIn, or simply via email: If you have questions regarding the Guide or Stata in general post them on The Code Block Discord server.

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Asjad Naqvi
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