Stellar Dev Digest: Issue #11

Rob Durst
The Stellar Dev Digest
4 min readAug 23, 2019

Hey y’all! It’s about that time of the week again. Welcome to another issue of the Stellar Dev Digest, a weekly recap of all things related to the development of the Stellar Network.

What is Stellar? Stellar is a platform that connects banks, payments systems, and people. Integrate to move money quickly, reliably, and at almost no cost.

Call to Action — Stellar Developers Survey

Hey you… yes you! The Stellar Development Foundation has created a survey to get a better understanding of the Developer Ecosystem and they would love if you took a couple minutes to give your feedback.

This is your chance to:

  • Brag about the cool stuff you’re working on
  • Rant and let SDF know how you really feel
  • Describe anything you think the ecosystem needs and currently lacks

You can find a link to the survey here.

Featured Developer Posts and News from the Week

  • Lobstr has developed identicons for Stellar public keys — Get Yours
  • Even developers can be scammed, be careful — Reminder
  • Wonder what StellarX is up to? — Full Reddit AMA
  • Kolten is back at it again with his nifty and approachable Python Stellar tutorials, this time for streaming ledger data — Check it out

Application of the Week

This week’s featured application is astrocore, an implementation of Stellar-core in rust, developed by Arkweid, nebolsin and charlie-wasp. Congratulations!

This is a very early stage project (so if you just furiously typed: rustup update, git clone, cargo run, hold your 🐎). So far they have begun with a wip implementation of the networking/overlay subsystem. This is certainly a very ambitious project, nevertheless, a huge step forward for the Stellar ecosystem as a whole… as they say, one small step for stroopy, one giant leap for all lumenauts.

Regardless of the eventual completion of this implementation, this trio of rustaceans is already moving the ecosystem forward by instigating a process for defining a spec for Stellar-core. This is quite significant!

If you know rust and are interested in helping out, there are a few open issues here to get started with.

Interested in promoting your own project, or another exciting project in the ecosystem? If so, please make a submission here.

Updates from Stellar Core

Stellar-core released 11.4.0rc1 this week! This is the first 11.4.0 release candidate and one of the last version 11 releases — I will give a full update on whats included here when this hits the full release. After that comes version 12 — this protocol upgrade already promises some very exciting updates; check out the wip project triage here. Besides the release, core was focused on bug fixes, CAP implementations, and test improvements… the usual.

All-in-all, eight pull requests were merged in the last week.

Calls for Participation

Looking to get your hands dirty and not sure where to begin? The Stellar ecosystem is full of open source projects looking for help. The following projects are interested in some help and are very likely willing to offer mentorship in exchange:

awesome-stellar (Markdown): A curated list of Stellar applications, blog posts, educational resources, tools, and more

Stellar Vanity Wallet Generator (Rust): generate Stellar vanity wallets

js-stellar-sdk (JavaScript): Stellar’s main Stellar client library for Javascript

Kelp (Go): a free and open-source trading bot for the Stellar universal marketplace

Stellar Go Monorepo (Go): Stellar’s public monorepo of go code

State of the Developer Ecosystem

This week, SDF pushed two releases, Stellar-core’s 11.4.0rc1 (mentioned above) and Horizon 0.20.0! If you are an SDK maintainer, please check out the full release notes. For everyone else, here are a few of my favorites:

  • A totally new, super cool ingestion system
  • An experimental, improved path finding endpoint
  • A new get offers by account id endpoint


Looking to work on Stellar full-time?!? Check out the list of job openings below:

  • SDF Frontend Engineer (New York) Apply
  • SDF Senior Platform Engineer (San Francisco) Apply
  • SDF Senior Core Engineer (San Francisco) Apply
  • SDF Senior Platform Engineer (New York) Apply
  • SDF Software Integration Engineer (San Francisco) Apply

Not Yet Signed Up?

I have a publication, how cool! While I will still advertise posts on the typical Stellar developer mediums (Reddit, Keybase, Google Group, etc) you can also follow this publication.

Did I Miss Something?

Darn, I knew it! If you found that something from this issue is missing or inaccurate, please open an issue here or message me (r_durst) on Keybase and I will get around to it ASAP. Thanks!

Disclaimer: this is entirely an endeavor of my own, in no way, shape or form endorsed by or a result of my employment with the Stellar Development Foundation.

