Stellar Dev Digest: Issue #8

Rob Durst
The Stellar Dev Digest
5 min readAug 1, 2019

Hey y’all! It’s about that time of the week again. Welcome to another issue of the Stellar Dev Digest, a weekly recap of all things related to the development of the Stellar Network.

What is Stellar? Stellar is a platform that connects banks, payments systems, and people. Integrate to move money quickly, reliably, and at almost no cost.

A new logo? Ah yes, thanks for noticing. A recent reader of the newsletter suggested I attempt to incorporate the current Stellar logo in, so this is my first attempt (read I morphed these images together ten minutes ago and took a screenshot). Expect a second, cleaner iteration next week!

Stellar is Officially 5 Year Old! Happy Birthday!

The original blog post:

Featured Developer Posts and News from the Week

  • awesome-stellar, a curated list of all things related to Stellar was started up by koltenb Github Repo
  • There was another protocol meeting this week — Notes
  • The Stellar Test Network was successfully reset yesterday — General Info
  • The Lumenaut inflation pool came out with an update regarding corrections to inflation calculation — Read Here
  • Ever wanted your own Stellar vanity address? Well, you are in luck! The Stellar vanity address generator released version 0.4.0 — Check it Out
  • Blue Orion is asking for Stellar workshop suggestions — Suggest Away!
  • StellarX published a roadmap update — Learn More
  • Stellar Torch keeps on moving — See the Map
  • Last week’s application of the week, go-stellar-ipfs, released an update allowing for use with custom networks — Check it Out

Application of the Week

This week’s featured application of the week is Cgig, a marketplace for Stellar developed by dandalion98. Congratulations!

Cgig is a multi-asset, non-custodial marketplace platform for Stellar that currently offers three marketplaces for services, jobs, and bounties. Without fees or middlemen, users keep 100% of their earnings. Our newest marketplace is a bounty marketplace that enables users to earn Stellar assets while helping Stellar projects to crowdsource tasks like social media marketing, brainstorming, testing, etc…

Interested in promoting your own project, or another exciting project in the ecosystem? If so, please make a submission here.

Stellar Protocol (CAPs) and Ecosystem (SEPs) Updates

Core Advancement Proposals (CAP) and Stellar Ecosystem Proposals (SEP) are a formal way of documenting proposed standards to improve various aspects of the Stellar Network. These function similar to EIPs and BIPs from the Ethereum and Bitcoin communities respectively. CAPs and SEPs represent the culmination of many discussions that often take place on the Stellar Developer Google Group.

The most notable update for this week on the CAP/SEP front is the expansion of CAP-0024. When Jed first published this CAP, the community in general was super excited, however there were still some details left to fill in. This expansion attempts to fill in some of those details. Read the fine print here.

Overall, four pull requests were merged in the last week.

Updates from Stellar Core

This week for core chugged along, making a lot of progress towards completion of a variety of projects — however, nothing was merged. Some of the most interesting things people are working on include:

Super excited for these PR’s to land in upcoming version of Stellar-core; it is always cool to see things go from ideaCAPcodeuse.

Calls for Participation

Looking to get your hands dirty and not sure where to begin? The Stellar ecosystem is full of open source projects looking for help. The following projects are interested in some help and are very likely willing to offer mentorship in exchange:

js-stellar-sdk (JavaScript): Stellar’s main Stellar client library for Javascript

Kelp (Go): a free and open-source trading bot for the Stellar universal marketplace

Stellar Go Monorepo (Go): Stellar’s public monorepo of go code

Stellar Vanity Wallet Generator (Rust): generate Stellar vanity wallets

State of the Developer Ecosystem

This week saw two SDK updates, Scala and JavaScript, and a new version of Horizon. A quick synopsis of each release:

  • Scala SDK: a few BREAKING changes along with support for the trade aggregations and path payments endpoint and some on-the-fly decoding of transaction info
  • JavaScript SDK: two new helpers, Utils.verifyChallengeTx and Utils.verifyTxSignedBy, presumably both which help with compliance of various SEP’s
  • Horizon:an experimental accounts for signer endpoint as well as a new join parameter to the operations and payments endpoints which will trigger the response to include a transaction field per operation

Upcoming Events and Days of Note


Looking to work on Stellar full-time?!? Check out the list of job openings below:

  • SDF Frontend Engineer (New York) Apply
  • SDF Platform Engineer (San Francisco) Apply
  • SDF Senior Core Engineer (San Francisco) Apply
  • SDF Senior Platform Engineer (San Francisco) Apply
  • SDF Senior Core Engineer (San Francisco) Apply

Not Yet Signed Up?

I have a publication, how cool! While I will still advertise posts on the typical Stellar developer mediums (Reddit, Keybase, Google Group, etc) you can also follow this publication.

Did I Miss Something?

Darn, I knew it! If you found that something from this issue is missing or inaccurate, please open an issue here or message me (r_durst) on Keybase and I will get around to it ASAP. Thanks!

Disclaimer: this is entirely an endeavor of my own, in no way, shape or form endorsed by or a result of my employment with the Stellar Development Foundation.

