Who we are

Mandy Rae
The STEM Experience
2 min readJul 7, 2021

We are the only publication to provide science stuff that’s not necessarily science.

STEM is more than just proving the unhealthiness of the newest preservative or predicting the next great Tesla feature. The people actually doing this work have other stories that need to be shared. And that’s why the editor created this journal.

Articles we publish

We publish everything that Scientific American or other layman’s scientific journals do not. Our content is mostly geared toward people already in STEM careers, pursuing STEM careers, or aspiring to enter STEM fields. We publish the following subjects:

-personal stories on the hardships of graduate school

-the horrors of academia

-inspirational stories that might help current grad students keep going through with their degree

-funny articles poking fun at academic/pharmaceutical/tech industries while simultaneously drawing attention to a terrible flaw in the system

-the differences between academia and industry

-Why you decided to pursue your current career and whether or not you regret your decision

The editor will also include articles about medical or other health profession school from disgruntled and bitter writers.

Your topic not listed? Submit your article anyway! The editor acknowledges her flaws and admits she may enjoy reading/publishing articles she didn’t initially think would belong.

TO SUBMIT YOUR PIECE: Please find the instructions in a separate article titled “write for us.”

Thinking about a career in STEM?

Consider reading the articles in this pub before moving further. In the editor’s experience, most people wouldn’t recommend their career choices to their daughter, but STEM is an entirely different beast (based only on the fact that STEM is the editor’s career choice and she wouldn’t recommend it to her daughter).

