JavaScript: Beautiful 10 years!

The StickyBit
Published in
3 min readMay 9, 2020

Talks about the journey of javascript and how it has evolved over the last decade.

JavaScript was created by Brendan Eich in 1995. It is a scripting language initially introduced to make web pages interactive. Because of the name JavaScript, it has caused confusion creating the impression that it is a sidekick of Java. Since Java was the new trending programming language at the time, “Java” in “JavaScript” was used as a marketing strategy by Netscape.

Nearly a decade back, amid all big technology frameworks running the world, there was an amateur silently running inside a browser. With a lifetime of a tag “it only runs in browser” or “only browsers understand JavaScript” nobody thought that around 10 years later JavaScript would be the language running everywhere.

At the moment, it will not be wrong to say that “it is the only language which runs anywhere”. Let’s go deeper to understand what it exactly means.

  1. JavaScript: Runs in browser. Makes client-side scripting, DOM(Document Object Model) manipulation easy.
  2. Node.js: A browser like an environment outside a browser. Enables server-side scripting.
  3. React Native and NativeScript: JavaScript frameworks used to develop iOS/Android applications.
  4. Electron.js: Another JavaScript framework enabling desktop application development using JavaScript.

Apart from the liberty of choosing a framework, the learning curve for developers is also easier as there is no need to learn new/unfamiliar language to develop platform-specific applications.

As per the Stack Overflow developer survey- 2019 JavaScript is the most widely used programming language.

Stack Overflow developer survey 2019

Rise of JavaScript

Till 2009, JavaScript was still the language running at client-side i.e. in browsers until the initial release of Node.js framework in May 2009.
In 2010, Express.js was launched, a Node.js framework designed for building web applications and APIs. In 2011, big companies like LinkedIn, Uber started using Node.js. This adoption of Node.js was rapidly growing.

Popular streaming service Netflix also powers some of its back-end functionalities with Node.js.

In 2017, A new Node.js based framework called NestJS was launched. This framework is reaching new heights day by day and actively used by companies like Roche, Adidas, Decathlon, Sanofi, Capgemini and many more.
This is how JavaScript has evolved in the last 10 years. We can say that JavaScript is arguably the most important language for today and the future.

JavaScript Ten Year Challenge

Evolution of JavaScript

Fun Activity: From the above image, comment down the names of logos you are familiar with. Be Honest!

What do you think of this JavaScript’s beautiful journey? Let us know in the comments section. Stay tuned for the next blog, till then keep scripting and keep learning! Cheers!



The StickyBit

Javascript Enthusiast, Fullstack javascript developer