
Kyle Maurer
The Stillness Here
1 min readDec 8, 2021


I’m reading more again, which also means I’m writing more again, which is nice because somewhere along the way I lost the ability to write paragraphs. The effort involved in formulating coherent thoughts across multiple sentences seemed daunting and not worth it. I was also self-editing far too much. Why say anything at all, really? There are other things to do. And my latest navel gazing rarely leads anywhere interesting these days as I’ve largely Figured Things Out. You’re envious, I know.

A moment yesterday that made me laugh; I couldn’t remember if I had done something, or if I was merely remembering myself visualizing that I will do something. This happens to me a lot, ultimately contributing to my general sense of atemporality. Reminds me of another tendency; I don’t really remember outcomes of choices or discussions, I just remember the options or the choices before me. What did we eventually land on? I don’t recall. They both happened anyways.

Just goes with living life in a superposition I suppose.

