Simple Stoic Advice

A release or an end

D.A. DiGerolamo
The Stoic Within


Photo by Leonardo Yip on Unsplash

The beautiful thing about Stoic philosophy is the advice contained within it is just as applicable today as it was when it was first written all those many years ago. We can learn a great deal from interpreting the advice provided and using it to our advantage as we go throughout our own lives.

Today’s quote comes to us courtesy of Seneca and his moral letters, letter 24 from Letters on Ethics:


“Death either consumes us or sets us free. If we are released, then better things await us once our burden is removed; if we are consumed, then nothing is waiting for us at all: both goods and evils are gone.”


Death is one of the scariest things a person can face. We suffer from the knowledge that we, like everything else around us, will one day no longer be. The scariest part of this process is the fact that we do not know when that day will come.

The Stoics did not view death as a negative, but rather, a natural progression to life. It was framed by both Seneca and Marcus Aurelius that we cannot consciously know what death is as if we die and there is no afterlife, we’d never…



D.A. DiGerolamo
The Stoic Within

Lessons in philosophy, self-development, leadership, and strategy. Socials: @stoicwithin / @dadigerolamo