The Age of Rage

How our anger is being hijacked and what we can do about it

D.A. DiGerolamo
The Stoic Within



Anger is an all-consuming emotion. Once it is unleashed, there is no stopping it until it dies down. Like a burning fire, it will continue to rage until it destroys everything in its path or runs out of oxygen.

And like it or not, this emotion of ours is being hijacked every single day.

Our emotional states are heavily influenced by the stories we both tell and are told. What we take in helps to form what we believe and this forms our thoughts which lead to our emotions.

These emotions are constantly being pushed and pulled in every direction as we live in a new era of yellow journalism.

Yellow journalism first began in the late 1890s as the New York World owned by Joseph Pulitzer and The New York Journal owned by William Randolph Hearst competed for attention (and money) of every day people looking for the news. The problem was, it wasn’t news the newspapers were selling, rather it was sensationalism with headlines such as:

  • “Mobs Make Morbid Show of Death”
  • “Crisis is at Hand”
  • “Peace Treaty is Ratified. Awful Slaughter.”

The headlines were meant to shock, entice, and enrage the citizens. It was the beginning of mass…



D.A. DiGerolamo
The Stoic Within

Lessons in philosophy, self-development, leadership, and strategy. Socials: @stoicwithin / @dadigerolamo