The Stoic Texts

A (Very Short) Introduction

D.A. DiGerolamo
The Stoic Within


Photo by Jonathan Pielmayer on Unsplash

While other Hellenistic philosophical schools have had their writings and teachings survive the test of time and history, Stoicism is estimated to only have about 1% of the original writings survive to this day.

Stoicism as we know it today is strongly derived from Late Stoa, the time period when Marcus Aurelius, Seneca, and Epictetus lived. Their works have helped form the foundation of what we read today and categorize as Stoicism.

The works from Early and Middle Stoa do not survive in their entirety today and are mostly fragmented writings.

Meditations by Marcus Aurelius

Marcus Aurelius Meditations is known as one of the great books of all time. In Medieval Greek, the translation means “Things to One’s Self.”

Meditations is comprised of 12 books, each with different passages Marcus wrote to himself. The passages range in length from one sentence all the way to multiple pages, each providing a glimpse into the Roman Emperor’s mind during the time of the writings.

It is believed that these were written between 170 and 180 AD.


“Shame on the soul, to falter on the road of life while the body



D.A. DiGerolamo
The Stoic Within

Lessons in philosophy, self-development, leadership, and strategy. Socials: @stoicwithin / @dadigerolamo