Micro “CSR” for the “shop around the corner”!

Re-defining “Corporate” Social Responsibility.

N. Tsoniotis
2 min readMay 11, 2014

Update: Contests4Causes didn’t quite making I’m afraid. Well ..there’s more than one ways to give back so here’s to trying!

A simple question, led to the creation of Contests4Causes in late 2013.

Why does CSR have to be the game of corporations?

Indeed why is CSR tied with large corporations and brands? Why can’t any “shop around the corner” equally participate in changing the world? Do they have less to offer? The answer is emphatically NO.

CSR donations or actions are but a small percent of a corporation’s budget. Statistically speaking any business owner can provide an equivalent percentage of its profits, irrespective of whether it is money, products or services.

Bearing this in mind the co-founders have chosen to create a micro- “CSR”, micro-fundraising mobile platform.

Taking advantage of common processes like raffles, instant offers and others, businesses can submit a product or service for the public in support of several causes. The idea behind it was that if the public, with both intrinsic and non-intrinsic interest to charity comes on-board, interested on the products or services offered, then the multiplication factor could potentially be enormous, thus creating a continuous fundraising channel for all sorts of causes.

Think about it. What if every shop was socially responsible, communicating this to its “fan” base? What if businesses of any magnitude promoted their services and products via cause marketing?

Would you do it for your business?



N. Tsoniotis

engineer, entrepreneur, ideator | startups, product guy, innovation management @CERTHellas | looking for meaning and inspiration