Networking with your customers

Do you know your customers?

Felix Reznik
The Stories Behind Start Ups


You know your customers. You know their email, maybe their address, what they like (based on their purchasing habits), what they look at on your site, what they bought from you, how often, how much they spent and the all important, their lifetime value.

But what do you really know? You know Jack Sh*t!

You only know what’s important to you and I hate to break this to you but no one other then you cares!

What do you really know about your customer? On a personal level? As if they were part of your family, your friend, your neighbor? I bet you know more (on a personal level) about the person who lives two houses away from you then you know about your best customer!

Isn’t that crazy? You know more about the person that you say hi to a couple times per year, then the person who is paying your bills!

Look I can’t take credit for this. I’m not that smart. But I read a lot and research a lot. And in that constant stream of knowledge seeking I came upon something that I think you need to hear.

It’s Gary Vaynershuk’s Keynote Speech from the Inc 500 Seminar from 2011. I tried to marked off the spot for you, but it just wasn’t working. It’s 24:22 minutes in (please scroll there) and about 3 minutes long. Although I suggest you listen to the whole thing at some point.

That blew my mind! That’s when I decided, that’s the type of customer service and customer networking I want to do in the future.

I may not have funds to buy NFL jerseys (not yet at least), but it doesn’t mean that I can’t get to know our users and supporters better.

So I started researching tools that would help me with that.

That’s when I found and StackLead

These are services that provide you with more information about the people that sign up on your website. They use the email address and return everything they can find. Sometime that’s nothing, but a lot of the times it’s full dossier. The best part is that it’s all automated! (They do offer free levels of service for those of you that are bootstrapping, so do yourself the favor and check them out.)

Now I have a plan and the tools I need to begin my journey of reaching out and connecting with customers on a personal level!

I hope that you can use this for yourself.

Thanks for reading,




Felix Reznik
The Stories Behind Start Ups

Tech lover, Entrepreneur, Marketer, Shark Tank fanboy, Internet addict & Early adopter